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發(fā)表于 2015-4-11 22:20:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎(jiǎng)勵(lì) |倒序?yàn)g覽 |閱讀模式
This was a unique project. Create trade show racking that would be able to be self standing, able to hang at least 160 scarves or headbands from and be somewhat easy to assemble. This project was completed for Möbius Threads; a scarf/headband company for use at trade shows all across the province.
7 [' A$ p% J0 H$ w( T這是一個(gè)獨(dú)特的項(xiàng)目。創(chuàng)建展會(huì)貨架,將能夠自行站立,能夠從掛至少160圍巾或頭巾和有些容易組裝。主要是為頭巾公司展示商品用的。
# Y/ g- `2 U3 d; m3 {% k
7 `  a4 K$ P0 o2 `' m! zThis is what the feet look like in CAD, exactly like the real thing.  Very simple to produce and not requiring much effort or skill.  Just time to ensure everything is square, tight and that saves time on the blending the welds at the end.  The parts were all shot with a hammer tone paint to mask the inevitable scratches and dings that would occur setting up and tearing down at a trade show.
3 W: }+ v7 [9 p/ `6 g用CAD建模后,發(fā)現(xiàn)這是很簡(jiǎn)單的生產(chǎn),而不是要求太多精力和技能。
0 ^' p4 ?" r' Z4 j3 U4 I( m1 L9 \# [- O6 V$ R
" r, W) S' c. q) b( X& ]2 N

7 |" s3 j, E* J7 BHere we have the feet. They are designed in Solidworks as a solid body, then converted to a multi-sheet metal part. So in this case each leg has five pieces split apart from one model. This allows the part to be easily fabricated and functions exactly as intended. Having the bends where the tube will slide into the “receiver” portion is nice as it’s a smooth radius, not a welded edge that would then require blending to make totally smooth. Just simple tweaks to making a simple to produce part. Here they are being tacked and partially welded on the inside. Ultimately the perimeter is welded and the welds are blended away.# p( f) c8 n/ z5 d* j+ N$ f
4 ]1 l  ^* r) d% Z+ C
, s% t6 E$ T6 @2 z$ ^( Y- t; v5 w
$ M6 J* X; J1 E9 X1 ^+ w
' X( l4 G$ u. B  r* `( I First we need to cut some hangers. 14 ga hot rolled steel, heavily nested with very little scrap!! @7 h& I( x9 u  M* p- e
1 b" W& k) M5 R0 Q; [; V7 g) G+ o& V# x: K1 z; i
Not much work needed to clean them up off the table.  We cut a lot of 14 ga steel and they come off the table virtually dross free, these went in an acid bath to strip off the mill scale and any minute dross.  The only problem with acid bathing parts with very little dross is that the parts tend to stick together and don’t get 100% clean, so they need to be agitated from time to time to ensure all the surfaces are exposed to the acid.  Heavier dross parts don’t have this problem as the dross naturally spaces the parts apart while the acid removes the mill scale and ultimately the dross falls off at the end of the process.2 Q5 r7 x- o& A& C/ a) o
% M! s5 q8 r3 C! o$ {' I) `; u; Q  d2 z6 T2 K, V
. I% c; ~. V8 H* i  ?

# k0 Z# t" G" l7 N, c" e看,實(shí)物的展示效果6 P" p' T+ [* f2 U$ S% l
2 [$ P5 ^9 {4 ^4 ?

+ h* Q) p# \- ~. j! Q' y! ?8 Z, F1 e6 X5 ^) |6 X3 i- H. c) i" t" k

# C9 q0 |2 j! Z) J  n9 [  c4 l3 ^( z% Y5 f& z# N" J3 Z


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發(fā)表于 2015-4-12 09:23:31 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-12 11:40:38 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-12 11:49:51 | 只看該作者
本帖最后由 jpp181 于 2015-4-12 11:51 編輯 # X4 W$ d9 u3 \& g" t4 H

; T4 p$ k( m( \) Z) {- o$ i挺好簡(jiǎn)單、美觀、實(shí)用。請(qǐng)問(wèn)腳座兩邊的2個(gè)圓孔干嘛用的??jī)?nèi)部焊接好后,用蓋板上螺栓?
發(fā)表于 2015-4-12 13:58:56 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-12 22:42:03 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-13 12:58:42 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-13 13:55:45 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-23 09:50:36 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-4-24 11:00:12 | 只看該作者


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