
標(biāo)題: solidworks 的快捷方式真的能提高效率嗎 [打印本頁]

作者: 寂靜天花板    時間: 2015-6-2 16:08
標(biāo)題: solidworks 的快捷方式真的能提高效率嗎
Life is full of shortcuts but those typically don't work out well for anyone. Well that’s not the case with SOLIDWORKS shortcuts. There are many places to use shortcuts in parts and sketches.% V2 b2 b0 T6 {0 G/ r% }9 g* v
Think about how you create a model in SOLIDWORKS. You choose a sketch plane, start a sketch, find a sketch entity to use, add some dimensions, then extrude that sketch into a feature. You do this over and over again until the model is created. But during that process are you being as efficient as you can be? Are you using any SOLIDWORKS shortcuts? Well I hope you are., ~9 ~; z2 T2 x0 s/ Y
When I’m teaching, I emphasis SOLIDWORKS shortcuts.  I say they really will help get your design done quicker but I never really had any data to put behind it.  So I figured that I would model the same part 2 different ways.  One way I would model using my typical shortcuts and the other would be with none.  I timed myself modeling both ways to see which one was faster.  I also downloaded 2 tools to help track my mouse movements.  One shows where my mouse has been with a black line and the other tracks the distance in feet that my mouse has traveled.
& ?! y* c4 a5 g; E& f* s$ v作者決定來個對比,用普通方式操作,和用快捷方式操作,并找到兩個工具可以記錄鼠標(biāo)指針的移動痕跡。事例文件如下
3 Q5 r/ ?, A1 _, R4 v[attach]355309[/attach]5 D% g0 _. X& G* A# f
The first model I used my typical, everyday SOLIDWORKS shortcuts.  These are some hot-keys (i.e. “L” for line & “D” for dimension), mouse gestures, and the shortcut tool bar (“S” key).
) p: M9 f8 W+ k1 |) x& O# Z首先是使用各種快捷方式的操作
5 a0 K; |  t9 o/ c1 f& v. s% _[attach]355310[/attach]
- R) p0 a9 e% T" v& @- ]2 _It took me 226 seconds to model it and my mouse traveled 28 feet. That isn't too bad as a good base value. Here is what the mouse path graphic looks like.花了226秒完成建模,鼠標(biāo)移動總位移28英尺。
( u+ `4 Z) j5 ]" u+ QYou can see that my mouse really stayed in the middle of my screen right where my model is. I didn't need to move to the command manager for anything. 你也能看到鼠標(biāo)指針的移動痕跡比較均勻?qū)ΨQ, [: `1 Q( d; i) f
Now let’s look at the one where I didn't use any SOLIDWORKS shortcuts. I knew that this one would be slower and I would have a lot more mouse movement.下面是不使用快捷方式的操作,不用想,肯定慢。$ ~& H, t6 X' V6 T, h: g$ p
[attach]355311[/attach]2 a- o, D; y4 r4 i- i" _& b5 @
It took me 421 seconds to model it and my mouse moves 103 feet. Here is the mouse path graphic
/ |7 j0 y! Y/ h+ I* x" u  r: O花了421秒完成建模,鼠標(biāo)指針移動總位移103英尺。
3 ]: s4 y% x* Y  As you can see, my mouse spent more time on the property manager and command manager than in the graphics area.正如你所看到的,鼠標(biāo)指針大部分時間是在圖形區(qū)域間移動。
8 r7 U5 y/ |9 v$ x, e[attach]355312[/attach]% m# x$ K2 @" e- U% v
Let’s take a look at the numbers.  I can see that I had a savings of 46% in time and 73% in mouse movement by using SOLIDWORKS shortcuts. 讓我們看看這些數(shù)字,我可以看到使用快捷方式節(jié)省了46%的時間和73%的鼠標(biāo)指針位移。
& V5 z: A; J2 E( e! I, L) N/ y洋人的思維果然跟咱們不一樣,咱們是操作下來,感覺快了就認(rèn)同快捷方式的確省時間,但人家一定要做個實驗,記錄數(shù)據(jù),通過計算來證明。當(dāng)然我們也可以說這家伙閑的蛋疼
/ F, p# }! z% K  {7 d5 O) L( w. S4 N9 e+ Z

( R+ ^) I- [7 S
作者: 欒海軍    時間: 2015-6-2 16:15
夠直觀 也得是根據(jù)個人喜歡 喝習(xí)慣來
作者: ryouss    時間: 2015-6-2 16:25
作者: hc2003    時間: 2015-6-2 19:53
洋人那叫“用事實說話”,記得原來單位買了一個 很普通的塑料桶(就像樓房里存自來水的那種水桶,帶個蓋子,通常是紅色和藍(lán)色的). h# E$ G' a) b, K1 W, X
同上沒有刻度,也沒有容量啥的;送貨的人所100L;那個奧地利的老外就特較真,去試驗室找個大量杯,一杯杯倒水;最終終于搞準(zhǔn)了,裝滿水只有70多升;# s" y! M: n4 {/ m

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