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用solidworks simulation 仿真測試防鯊籠

發(fā)表于 2015-8-29 18:47:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Naturally, these movies and books would influence many aspects of my life. I will admit to suffering from the irrational fear of the “pool shark.” Most people are aware of the miniscule chances of suffering an actual shark attack. There are a million ways you’re more likely to die – bee stings, car crashes, coconuts, and vending machines to name a few. There’s just something about falling prey to a predator in what amounts to an underwater alien world that ignites fear in our minds.: G& c: c+ l5 c; K
Despite this fear, humans have been studying sharks for decades. Luckily, some intrepid engineers have been able to create safer environments for scientists to study sharks in their natural habitat. The most famous, thanks again to film and TV, has to be the anti-shark cage. These cages are responsible for giving us an up close and personal glimpse of sharks from the comfort of our own couches. The view looks great, but I wonder if the person in the cage truly feels confident within the steel bars? I mean, things got pretty hairy in a cage off the Amity coast.
  k/ C3 a0 e/ x盡管有這種擔心,人類一直在研究鯊魚了幾十年。幸運的是,一些勇敢的工程師已經(jīng)能夠創(chuàng)造更安全的環(huán)境,以便科學家有個安全的空間呆在鯊魚的自然棲息地。再次,最有名的,這要歸功于電影和電視,是防鯊籠。這些籠保證給我們個人與鯊魚的近距離觀察。視圖看起來不錯,但我不知道這個人在籠子里真正對鋼筋有信心?
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Combine my long-time obsession with sharks and my smart co-workers here at SOLIDWORKS, and I was finally able to discover just what it would take to break an anti-shark cage, thanks to SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Some things I’d rather test in software before testing in nature; this would definitely qualify.
3 J9 h+ {+ D8 T5 b5 S; D多虧有了solidworks simulation,可以在實際測試前作某些事情。- S& t" w6 v; t7 v! R/ W

$ q6 X' S  L- kIn this video, you’ll see the shark cage subjected to ramming and biting from a 3.5-ton great white shark in SOLIDWORKS Simulation. As an added bonus, we look to see how the cage would react against some inclement weather – in this case, a shark propelled at tornado speed.
; J, \: G3 R% U在這段視頻中,你會看到在SolidWorks Simulation中鯊籠受到一個3.5噸重的大白鯊撞擊,并被咬。我們期待看到對一些惡劣情況籠子里會有什么反應
5 F; M4 ?! e% `; ?. f/ E7 p9 Uhttp://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTMxNzE2NTAzMg==/v.swf
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發(fā)表于 2015-8-30 08:50:52 | 只看該作者
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