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[轉(zhuǎn)帖]汽車專業(yè)英語——Engine Terms(發(fā)動機術(shù)語

發(fā)表于 2009-5-18 11:45:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
汽車專業(yè)英語——Engine Terms(發(fā)動機術(shù)語)5 n- x8 x! ]- c% S
:cool:  Engine Terms(發(fā)動機術(shù)語)
0 k0 g0 _/ x3 r8 ]9 _* L/ m& G' J$ a& h    TDC(top dead center) ― the position of the crank and piston when the piston is farther away from the crankshaft.
. k: S3 H9 c7 x: T, k% p7 T    TDC (上止點) - 當(dāng)活塞離曲軸最遠時,曲柄和活塞的位置。; k- D7 e9 b, Y
    BDC (bottom dead center) ― the position of the crank and piston when the piston is nearest to the crankshaft.* S! n3 [1 u$ Y2 K% q
    BDC (下止點) - 當(dāng)活塞離曲軸最近時,曲柄和活塞的位置。& K; j$ D) s  |$ o( m0 F/ \4 @
    stroke ― the distance between BDC and TDC; stroke is controlled by the crankshaft.2 H# @2 T4 e( s* ~' s
    行程 - 下止點和上止點之間的距離;行程由曲軸控制。, Z5 B# _* P( ?1 H: V
    bore ― the internal diameter of the cylinder." p) l7 d9 W5 Z7 a3 O8 S
    缸徑 - 汽缸的內(nèi)徑。
9 h7 G4 v$ p1 Z! J$ q    swept volume ― the volume between TDC and BDC.
$ [. U8 c5 i7 h3 K: o8 e# I    有效容積 - 上止點和下止點之間的體積。
! D& Q5 [2 _. {# V# ~6 d" C    engine capacity ― this is the swept volume of all the cylinders, e.g. a four-cylinder engine having a capacity of two liters (2000 cm3)
: G6 {' [# ]& M  L: r    has a cylinder swept volume of 500 cm3.
6 _2 J5 i# t* l& Q8 u    發(fā)動機排量 - 這是全部汽缸的有效容積,例如一臺排量為兩公升(2000 cm3)的4個汽缸的發(fā)動機每一個汽缸的有效容積為500 cm3。1 _0 }& q: q* r5 ^* ?2 `
    clearance volume ― the volume of the space above the piston when it is at TDC.
' \$ J/ {) G% n( w+ S* a7 m% ~0 t, s    間隙容積 – 當(dāng)活塞位于上止點時,活塞頂上面的氣缸空間。) d! {4 |) g% k. L" _
    compression ratio = (swept vol + clearance vol)/(clearance vol)+ W7 _& d' g. I5 a# K0 z
    壓縮比 = ( 有效容積 + 間隙容積 ) / ( 間隙容積 )
$ R+ @( p$ m3 `  a* N$ d4 g* x    two-stroke ― a power stroke every revolution of the crank.
- L$ }/ D) v' H7 x# J    二沖程 – 曲柄旋轉(zhuǎn)一圈作功一次。
6 m' l$ U- x# c5 o5 i    four-stroke ― a power stroke every other revolution of the crank.( r& k8 G  P/ ^$ o* O+ s9 g- s
    四沖程 - 曲柄旋轉(zhuǎn)兩圈作功一次。

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