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發(fā)表于 2007-1-10 15:02:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

區(qū)域測量儀器設(shè)備銷售經(jīng)理fficeffice" />

* q, \# ~$ V5 F" b

Regional Metrology Systems Sales Manager

" ~' @5 ]. N5 j) k5 T


/ w4 N6 r4 X6 r6 b8 }* n& `+ ~

            Edmunds Gages Suzhou located at ffice:smarttags" />Suzhou New District, Jiangsu (www.EdmundsGagesChina.com) is looking for a regional marketing and sales manager.

* Q4 R+ `- @" p5 R/ |

            Edmunds Gages Suzhou is a subsidiary company of Edmunds Gages, Farmington, CT, USA. Edmunds Gages was founded in 1950 and is a leading company of manufacturing precision gauges in the world. Edmunds Gages Suzhou was registered as a foreign investment company and a center of marketing, sales, manufacturing and services in China.

) U# @4 `; Z$ R


- I3 Q7 V5 A1 O( {) A

Job description

P! B$ s. M! n6 R- ?3 r
    / H% L T# l4 r; X1 N: w
  • Develop a marketing strategy * V- W5 k2 X3 j. u
  • Find customer leads in precision manufacturing industries * x; g# z5 r7 l9 h
  • Inquire and understand customer's needs and requirements and find a solution for a customer ! `: t! `* ?; T# h
  • Generate quotations, proposals, bidding documents, purchase contracts for sales * e# [* i! ~/ t. e" J, p$ n
  • Work with customers and internal team to close sales s5 N, V. ]) Q; l: ^$ k# `0 @
  • Represent products in a seminar or conference # }0 z* [% a' h) w5 [0 E0 l1 h G$ y0 C
  • Demonstrate products in show room and exhibition 8 \8 h: Y+ V; c1 u8 Z
  • Conduct a simple product installation, training and services 2 |, c3 C( Z8 H
  • Develop and interface representatives
# L" L" e% J5 G7 j$ c. b


2 O" Z# F) ?3 `. \


/ Z0 e' l: H3 v
    1 v/ l3 C0 q4 _1 \/ y4 X# T7 o
  • At least two years experience of mechanical product sales ' ~- J& S" G6 k0 [7 V
  • Prefer at least one year experience in manufacturing or mechanical design - C3 j( f' y ?4 p6 y" E
  • Must be able to read engineering drawings and understand dimensions and geometric tolerances 1 `7 K N J# S# I- D5 O
  • Must understand how to measure geometric tolerances of mechanical parts with electronic gages and air gages ' J7 U' u$ `% k2 S$ n0 J# x
  • English fluent in reading and writing, and good in speaking, CET-4 or higher 6 W" w+ K# j3 y7 V
  • Familiar with MS office , d/ b1 `3 g- D( i' m
  • Education: BS or MS in mechanical engineering or manufacturing engineering
/ k1 M! b5 I5 ]# j; F" {


/ u, P m% o6 Q% @4 m8 a

Resume should include:

! L- X- d+ I5 G( n( |# B3 u

Full name in Chinese and English, Gender, Age, City of birth

6 R: i- J$ F6 k5 t

Mail address, Telephone number, Email address

( |0 E! Y! m8 M8 X

Work experience

( N* N9 i0 ?8 J

            Time period

" M% f4 M# |& v7 I. \- y- A" g% H

            Company name

' u* C) G7 }: O$ y& h7 q( J P


8 w; n$ y E4 e* Y- n$ r( b

            Projects and achievements

% k' R/ p) G! A- C( S


* h; n3 {( T8 P

                        Reference names and telephone number

9 b S- u3 u9 o: I


. p2 E* I- t! {, X8 c

            Time period, school, department, major, courses

/ V, h% C7 ?& W' ?3 K


9 z; D: b, B: k. a# D, T0 ~& B

Resume is sent to: David Zhang at david.zhang@EdmundsGagesChina.com

4 }5 f: N" q# k& _7 z$ q3 |

or kangniwu@163.com


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發(fā)表于 2007-1-11 22:32:55 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)--to 小愛

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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2007-1-13 17:29:20 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)--to 小愛

      目前國內(nèi)的測量設(shè)備與其他行業(yè)比,如家電、汽車等,其與歐美的差距非常大,因此, 進入這個行業(yè)是非常有前景的。我們公司的目標是將世界上最先進的測量技術(shù)引進到中國, 解決國內(nèi)測量領(lǐng)域的難題,幫助中國企業(yè)實現(xiàn)世界一流的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。我公司現(xiàn)在進入中國才一年的時間,現(xiàn)在亟需優(yōu)秀的機械人才加入我們,以便早日實現(xiàn)這個理想。
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發(fā)表于 2007-1-15 11:38:41 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

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發(fā)表于 2007-1-16 23:47:46 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

$ F. ?7 p" _8 z1 W7 P/ V& c" C! j( _Edmunds gauge我使用過氣動量儀,精度不錯。
+ l: h& ^# P8 J; n' `: ?) v6 Y* a書到用時方恨少!英語和學歷要求差得太遠了。
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發(fā)表于 2007-1-17 09:27:38 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2007-1-17 10:28:48 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

謝謝各位對我公司的關(guān)注,關(guān)于招聘條件都在帖子中,沒有年齡限制。對于口語問題,可以在工作中鍛煉。- A+ f! \: C# Q: ^/ _

5 j6 M. ~7 g) `關(guān)于待遇問題,因人而異,可以面談,薪資待遇在蘇州外企(歐美)中屬于中上。并且,作為銷售人員,每季度有一次根據(jù)銷售業(yè)績的分紅。
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發(fā)表于 2007-1-24 22:09:58 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

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發(fā)表于 2007-1-25 13:26:09 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2007-1-25 14:02:53 | 只看該作者

Re: 外資招聘區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理(精密測量設(shè)備,蘇州)

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