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發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 17:20:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

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發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 17:39:38 | 只看該作者
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使用道具 舉報

發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 17:45:50 | 只看該作者
xp系統(tǒng)悲催啊   2012版本還是上個月剛裝的
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發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 18:15:09 | 只看該作者
新版本估計也沒多 少變化
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發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 18:21:42 | 只看該作者
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發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 18:24:23 | 只看該作者
文件剛好4.8MB上傳不了一件,只能分兩件9 `2 x# P5 l; e0 z& S/ s
( N9 q9 V7 P& w


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發(fā)表于 2013-8-13 18:56:28 | 只看該作者
' o( \7 x8 {/ J* m/ L# |1 ^% QWhen choosing more views from the viewpalette, SolidWorks indicates which are being used, and which are missing;(在視角調色板當選擇很多視角時,SolidWorks會顯示正在使用的,以及錯過的). j) P- V7 N3 a: W$ d& }3 i
Display Style context menu (顯示樣式出現在快捷工具欄上)
/ n8 t4 M% F9 ?High-quality shaded views (高品質陰影視圖)* r6 C6 E) i, V  R- C
Angular running dimensi  — Can changethe dimensi , run bidirectionally, set the extension lines to the center(標注角度帶輔助線)) p6 n/ n% P" d& J' U' d, O* F% a" r
Split table by row count — For a bill ofmaterials with many components; SolidWorks remembers the number specified(表格的單元格拆分出行)
. ^6 C5 h: ?3 ]7 w* E# u6 a9 f8 }Smart mate delay — Components only tryto mate themselves to the geometry when the user pauses for a customizablelength of time(智能裝配延遲,時間由用戶來自定義,組件根據幾何形狀來裝配)' v2 \6 C# ~  E+ Q2 r% `
Feature-driven component pattern(特征驅動組件方式)
! u  N; O; b9 IRotate exploded views(帶旋轉角度的爆炸視圖)
  \1 U- k: e2 r' |+ ~Quick Mate context menu(快速裝配方式出現在快捷工具欄中)$ a! n2 O1 V) \# e: J  |) v* a
' \: i$ P! P2 x8 [
" T" m) b! R+ R6 T5 o/ J8 o
% \. W* J* q' s" k二、有限元分析方面:
! m# K6 u$ D& ^& VCircuitWorks now supports thermalproperties — Including specific
. t4 m  g- Q5 U) @8 ]heat and thermal conductivity(CircuitWorks現在支持熱能屬性- 含比熱和熱導率)
$ }% ]8 _2 t7 T; F8 |" GLink to 7 f' j: A& f  i# {% Z% M5 \
SolidWorks Flow Simulation — Cannow assign these properties to each component,
* s+ J( G: N! H; G! h/ w0 Jor automatically create heatsources(SolidWorks Flow Simulation -
6 x' M3 M% ^% x$ d7 p+ Q現在可以把這些熱能屬性分配給每個組件,或自動創(chuàng)建熱源)
# o' C1 q/ R% j9 f! HBolt mapping — SolidWorks Simulation
( j5 G; R5 O3 i1 {8 N: U6 h  }7 vcanautomatically create connectors in the simulation
2 f6 Q9 g( _  e' M; k! O- Lmodel(螺栓貼圖,SolidWorksSimulation中可以自動創(chuàng)建螺栓聯接的仿真模型)9 |3 q; G7 L) M
Results symmetry(結果對稱)9 }0 P% _3 F. D$ z8 }0 ~
$ q" E4 u4 N, Z& q
Residual stress from SolidWorks Plastics— Can also add other loads for a more 0 `5 i$ M5 B& I0 C; b) A4 V' t
complete picture(來自于SolidWorks注塑分析的殘余應力,也能加進荷載中去了,這樣才有全面的分析)
" X! X) c$ s$ M$ g" S! S+ h三、草圖繪制方面:
: Z5 k* v( B+ @9 ~* j% V8 t, H( e, t" Y  f# V, h: X
Slots in hole wizard — Swap out holesfor slots,
0 M9 h8 |: A& a7 Xincluding  counterbore, countersink, and regular # i) [7 R1 \1 L- \
& l* w2 l; k4 |; b' s% W5 yHardware is locked to temporary .
+ |5 B* ~; [6 M) m7 }$ T' F$ Aaxesthat are automatically placed in the slot.(強行鎖定到臨時軸并自動放置槽口位置)/ w" I3 }. n4 T3 K% x
$ M: @, q  F# s3 Y* T9 K
Fixed-length spline — Drag any of thepoints and manipulators and the length is
8 ?( l; Z4 e) a( @  D( _retained.(固定長度的樣條曲線 - 拖動點和操縱和被保留的長度)1 B3 [, s$ Q9 Z' e; K1 u1 z
Style spline — Offers more control
" y5 ]* Q  f$ i* t6 f) A8 w& Xovershape Replace sketch entities(樣式樣條曲線 - 提供更多的控制權外形替換草圖實體)' j8 M& ~/ B: x5 N& U
槽口特征與孔特征的互換6 D/ T0 z  b$ R4 }
- \/ @6 v3 N" I' h3 h" f0 B/ Y* d
5 H: k, y% e2 [) i  {
. @$ |( Q; l) L% e7 ]. T2 SSolidWorks Electrical harness — Required connectors ! r0 _! Q# E+ T7 B7 U
areinstantly available, and can be inserted by snapping them into
  u7 K9 X8 m, w, pplace(SolidWorks的電氣線束- 通過捕捉到的地方,可以插入所需的連接器立即可用)
; l+ s( V4 ?( r; n. y. F, ?6 `Reuse existing
2 I- |$ b8 {: s/ x) m6 f$ a& [harness(重用現有配線)$ V8 p9 p: U% [" A. x' g/ z6 S
Clips in flattened representation(扁平表示在剪輯)
" O; I7 Z7 T1 U3 O) \. C* [1 QColored   ?9 `4 L5 l0 |% X
connector pins(彩色端子)
- X+ W8 W! r, V
/ I" a8 L; E8 T. w, g& d6 l: @五、可視化設計方面:
% o6 J% E1 F: F! _! n4 ?/ j8 d, z; vOrder-independent transparency — For - E+ @, j; V3 }' t8 ^6 n
rendering that makesthe internal components visible(順序無關透明度 - 對于渲染,使內部組件可見)% y$ m( n# W: T7 v* `0 u
$ J9 A% O& b& i/ q3 o
Sunlight and sunlight animati  — Enter the longitudeand latitude of
" X  v5 T4 z" b+ @: `8 F9 Q& s/ Q1 Many location, as well as the date and time of day(日光和日光動畫 - 1 U1 g% J6 f; v) @* D- b
輸入的任何位置的經度和緯度,以及一天中的日期和時間)+ _/ N2 |6 V6 D( Y6 L
eDrawings with augmented reality — Overlay images 7 f# t6 ]# w' r, k
of thedesign on live feed from a mobile device's camera(帶增強現實技術的eDrawings - 7 v, U9 P; R! t. o
從移動設備攝像頭對設計直播的覆蓋圖像)8 ?" _' |" I1 q( E: @; C
Network rendering animati (用局域網分布式計算技術對動畫進行渲染)
9 Y9 B2 _& u" G7 {4 |# R) g6 \3 r8 P
" u& a& n- F" a# ^1 W7 W2 P5 V
- o  c1 ~* A% xEnvironment themes — Use precreated themes or create yourown
7 U; H- ~' f5 c7 Badd butt  to toolbars, modify mouse gestures(環(huán)境的主題 -
% U) i& Y8 A' v+ `: K1 f. t使用預先創(chuàng)建的主題,或創(chuàng)建自己的按鈕添加到工具欄,修改鼠標手勢)
( p5 {2 e: S# V$ n) t# O8 E" e! uHistory folder — Located at the top of the
& o$ p9 [& n+ U8 Z% q- Z! @0 @- pFeatureManager, lists last five features worked on(歷史記錄文件夾 -
! I/ e" p5 ]6 Z  m位于頂部的特征管理器,列出最后編輯的五個特征)  q( Y- `# ?; O7 T2 \: I
Flexible Assemblies context , w- [2 N5 a+ }3 @- ]4 y) G, X3 g
menu(活動件進入快捷工具欄上)& d. e, C, v/ b
) p% r* {9 |# {. b; f% W2 |Sheet metal corner gussets — Gussets are + A* Y6 L1 C$ |3 @3 U
automaticallyignored when gussets are unfolded(鈑金邊角角撐板 - 強化骨架時自動忽略褶子展開)/ I0 r  {2 x% X
2 I: Y7 t6 v( V: L# p' P
Lofted bend transiti  (放樣彎曲轉換)
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發(fā)表于 2013-8-14 14:04:04 | 只看該作者
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