



樓主: aysuio
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發(fā)表于 2015-10-6 16:23:14 | 只看該作者
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2015-10-6 22:50:05 | 只看該作者
ValleyViews 發(fā)表于 2015-10-6 03:56 ! Q# l4 z" h- D. U6 Q1 y
關(guān)于第一題,目前我個(gè)人的看法仍然是0.2。尺寸公差只是控制該材料的厚度,而直線度是控制它箭頭所指的平面的 ...

' D" l3 z6 h! _/ n, H大俠可能對(duì)直線度平面度的適用范圍有點(diǎn)混淆,. j9 r# l8 F2 V) A9 j
直線度是二維的,平面度是三維的。直線度的公差帶是沒有方向的,控制的是所標(biāo)平面視角的所有線元素。# {/ k. p" c. S. Z; F
具體的,可以看看ASME Y14.5 所有問題迎刃而解1 D. G( y9 @9 \7 {
6 ^- a; k6 a  G


直線度是可以在某些平面上指定的。既然在平面上可以指定,就是可以應(yīng)用在平面上的。ASME Y14.5 中的圖 Fig. 5-6 Specifying Straightness of a Flat Surface 恰巧指的就是本題案例相同的情況。而您13樓給出的圖示,也  詳情 回復(fù) 發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 02:44
發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 02:44:48 | 只看該作者
aysuio 發(fā)表于 2015-10-6 22:50
- y9 y2 _$ M* d4 a: W& x! z: H大俠可能對(duì)直線度平面度的適用范圍有點(diǎn)混淆,
+ x0 ~% T% e: `9 ]+ x: `直線度是二維的,平面度是三維的。直線度的公差帶是沒有方 ...

  o" _; s" G% w" v" o/ M4 j! g直線度是可以在某些平面上指定的。既然在平面上可以指定,就是可以應(yīng)用在平面上的。ASME Y14.5 中的圖 Fig. 5-6 Specifying Straightness of a Flat Surface 恰巧指的就是本題案例相同的情況。而您13樓給出的圖示,也是在指定的平面上的。
* x8 U: a' h) s. k8 c
  `9 F4 X* d3 X# F0 G) A# N( J6 X! N1 s& I$ r; U

) N1 f$ i( O, U* y3 H
9 j0 [0 N8 b$ y# h' [5 H5 i- Y9 R1 G. t( I- q* [4 u

  U- S8 a9 Y0 B7 E& n  u5 \9 ^9 I. f+ ~

; H+ R, d- a5 O3 v: k1 L* a" @# M, ~3 k/ y5 Z
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 04:58:26 | 只看該作者
本帖最后由 aysuio 于 2015-10-7 05:08 編輯 6 B% X5 m" s. b6 i
ValleyViews 發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 02:44
( T/ F2 _/ }% O直線度是可以在某些平面上指定的。既然在平面上可以指定,就是可以應(yīng)用在平面上的。ASME Y14.5 中的圖 Fi ...

  \6 ?4 F2 L$ m, i% o& j5 L:)0 o& ?/ T- t# |8 G& H# V
- `0 r. Q) a4 C大俠這么認(rèn)真,小子自然很愿意來跟大俠說一下。
! Q, K% L/ y$ [" L3 I: K. Z% Q5 U
In Y14.5
8 Q, o2 u) H4 B3 O' K' R+ @7 ~Application: 4 A6 H: C5 F5 _8 o$ V+ y
1. Straightness tolerance specifies a tolerance zone within which the EACH (This word is not in the standard, but the following explanations indicate the "EACH" information) considered element in the surface or derived median line must lie.
, u- P* o: s) e. ]+ {2. Straightness tolerance is applied in the view where the elements to be controlled are represented by a straight line.$ @3 G, p0 I+ z5 U
6 v% N* O% i6 z0 y7 n- s
These 2 sentences give us 3 information:1 w: d& ^2 z" x$ M* U1 f
1. straightness tolerance controls each line elements of a surface when it is applied to the surface, or the derived median line when it is applied to the feature of size./ e3 {/ D3 g, B
2. Straightness tolerance is ONLY applied in ONE VIEW where it refers to.
( u1 M- ~& N, F  t+ F; w+ ~3. Straightness tolerances is applied to a nominal straight line. If the line is a curve, please use profile tolerance.  k# T" I) @* k

) }2 j2 F6 ~- ?: DFor this problem, straightness tolerance is applied to the surface, and in 2 VIEWS.
4 H; }) ?2 V2 ]So it means 2 straightness tolerance control the straightness of each line elements of the surface in 2 VIEWS.
* r8 P9 R, q& v% U3 Z0 _Line element is a 2D element, like it just has dimensions in X and Y, and NEVER think about you can measure line elements in Z axis. What you do is just to measure the line one by one according to the actual local sizes of the component (Means the straightness tolerance zone totally depends on the actual local sizes of your produced part)
0 Z+ X* G: ^. Q  O) eWhen you talk about the flatness tolerance. This is a 3D element. I.E. it has dimesions in X,Y,Z. So when you check the tolerance, you check the whole surface at the SAME TIME where the flatness tolerance refers to.
3 V* C) W* b1 W" x, K: a" ?7 {+ P% w* N; [) G
This is why the straightness tolerance in that figure which I posted before can be 0, but the flatness tolerance can reach 0.6
) G" p4 M) f7 Y) OIf you still have any problem about this, please read the standard again from the first sentence of form tolerance section, then I think you will understand about this problem clearly and thoroughly. 5 s0 e+ ^; E# r( Y- h8 Y' R
) |5 Z/ v7 r' W% o5 B6 _
If you are willing to talk with me about the problem, feel free to contact me I'm here with you.


四海之內(nèi)皆兄弟也。 Talking about yourexplanation, I think that every sentence is understandable exceptthis one: “Line elements is a 2D element, like it just hasdimensions in X and Y, and NEVER  詳情 回復(fù) 發(fā)表于 2015-10-8 02:22
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 05:02:43 | 只看該作者
Hi, Valleyviews,
1 f! [& S: ?, F3 E$ X+ F0 M2 |
You were saying the fig in Y14.5-2009. And yes, it is talking about this problem. I was confused by this section before, but this question just helped me to get over it! I hope that this question also let you clear some confusing theories up. Have a good day!


Think about this problem really helps. I have to say that thank you for your good job. Have a nice weekend,  詳情 回復(fù) 發(fā)表于 2015-10-11 12:54
發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 12:15:14 | 只看該作者
請(qǐng)解釋下為什么不是0.05。$ T6 N1 {' J5 h
2 g4 ~& p. w, g" l9 `4 s該面既要0.05又要0.2,那理所當(dāng)然的可以認(rèn)為平面度最大值為0.05。
- w% K% W- @5 A3 x2 e  L9 X% I  Z& a' U! G
6 m, |6 d8 y* N7 h4 o0 U6 s
3 ]: T* l" R, l* Y# z  Z1 \補(bǔ)充內(nèi)容 (2015-10-8 10:07):4 k7 {& |2 l3 _1 b
最近智商余額不足,給定方向上這幾個(gè)字被我無視了。1 i$ D8 z6 U* ?" t: q" T& s. R- V
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 19:57:47 | 只看該作者
大俠,我自以為解釋得很清楚了。。。再讓我解釋,說不過去啦吧- -!
發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 20:26:13 | 只看該作者


結(jié)論:平面度控制直線度,直線度不控制平面度。大俠再看看吧  發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 21:24
發(fā)表于 2015-10-8 00:19:08 | 只看該作者
bukeking 發(fā)表于 2015-10-7 20:26
7 S* k% ^2 F* h- P5 v! P0.2,平面度可以限定直線度,反過來直線度也可以影響平面。4.7,只需考慮孔的尺寸和位置公差,c如果有平面度需要 ...

5 M6 l  {" ]4 i5 S你好,如果直線度不能控制平面的話,這張圖的意義何在,兩向可以控制,一向足以影響,我認(rèn)為沒有問題。此處大部分人都可能直接標(biāo)平面度,設(shè)計(jì)者應(yīng)該是在完全符合性能要求的前提下,考慮到批量件或是工件長(zhǎng)寬相差太多,結(jié)合機(jī)床的精度,讓加工者選擇合適的走刀方向進(jìn)給量速度等參數(shù),以最經(jīng)濟(jì)方式做出。, z/ [6 Y9 f+ T8 o4 h
發(fā)表于 2015-10-8 00:58:02 | 只看該作者


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