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solidworks2017前瞻:Part Supply

發(fā)表于 2016-3-28 19:24:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎(jiǎng)勵(lì) |倒序?yàn)g覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最后由 寂靜天花板 于 2016-3-28 19:25 編輯
% d4 ?$ o5 y' V" j) l, u( K' i: C% a9 m
A great new service introduced by SOLIDWORKS is called Part Supply, which is powered by EXALEAD technology. Simply put, SOLIDWORKS is building an easy but intelligent way to find a component that fits your design goals. It will be as simple as creating raw geometry in SOLIDWORKS. You click on it and the computer starts thinking and gives you the right solution very quickly。2 k! t/ O1 s! |! K
現(xiàn)在solidworks推出Part Supply,由EXALEAD搜索提供技術(shù)支持。簡(jiǎn)單地說(shuō),solidworks提供了一種簡(jiǎn)單的,智能的方式來(lái)讓你找到合適的設(shè)計(jì)對(duì)象。
$ f; G+ B- r% _& G9 ?3 t" T) E' l+ j, k8 U. l4 l, l3 K
6 P, b, X) }  R2 j( {! F1 N; {1 j) G" ^
As you can see in this example, simple raw geometry was created. Part Supply will do a geometry search, a contextual search, and a metadata search. It searches your existing parts that you have saved on the cloud. This will help you to very quickly find and reuse existing parts and reduce duplicates. Not only will it search your existing parts, but Part Supply will go out to 3D ContentCentral and TraceParts and search the 100+ million components from the cloud., z  R. a; e! j! W# {
正如你看到的例子,創(chuàng)建一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的幾何體,Part Supply將進(jìn)行幾何形狀搜索,上下文搜索和元數(shù)據(jù)搜索。它會(huì)搜索你已經(jīng)保存在云空間中的零件。這將幫助你非?焖俚卣业讲⒅貜(fù)使用零件,減少重復(fù)。它不僅將搜索現(xiàn)有的零件,它不會(huì)擴(kuò)展出去,到3D ContentCentral網(wǎng)站和TraceParts在線零件庫(kù),并在云空間超過100萬(wàn)個(gè)零件中搜索。: x  w: m, E5 n6 j- }

4 s1 ], u4 ^0 s( K: Z1 n
) b& c( _6 Q- o" D( d9 B9 wIn just a few seconds, you have access to components that meet your exact design goals. All you had to do was create some very basic raw geometry. SOLIDWORKS did the rest. Once you like what you see, you just double click and it replaces the part in SOLIDWORKS and you are ready to go., V  p# F6 e3 V3 b2 E, y
幾秒鐘,您可以訪問到滿足您的設(shè)計(jì)目標(biāo)組件。所以你要做的就是創(chuàng)造一些非;镜脑紟缀误w。 SOLIDWORKS來(lái)完成其余的事。一旦你所看到適合的,你只要雙擊它,它就會(huì)取代在SolidWorks文件中的那個(gè)零件。9 @$ W) ]! [$ J+ y3 C/ Q
/ _. D5 h" T. ~" ^6 E
( R' F& f5 c) J! s2 ]2 d9 H( G


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發(fā)表于 2016-3-28 19:55:22 | 只看該作者


搜索的誰(shuí)的 用戶上傳的?  發(fā)表于 2016-3-28 21:06
關(guān)注點(diǎn)難道不是Exalead技術(shù),能進(jìn)行幾何體形狀搜索嗎  發(fā)表于 2016-3-28 20:47
發(fā)表于 2016-3-29 08:40:22 | 只看該作者
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-3-29 12:02:05 | 只看該作者
虎嘯而過 發(fā)表于 2016-3-28 19:55
; D3 K& [4 D9 g- t* _, ?1 Z' }一個(gè)云“標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件”庫(kù)嗎

9 M6 Y5 |# P% q) w一個(gè)是你自己上傳的,另一個(gè)是公司其它同事上傳的,還有第三方,比如3D ContentCentral模型庫(kù)和TraceParts在線零件庫(kù),以后還可能有GRCAD庫(kù),最后是全球達(dá)索用戶和solidworks用戶上傳到3Dexperience云存儲(chǔ)上的共享數(shù)據(jù)。
發(fā)表于 2016-3-29 20:59:46 | 只看該作者
道理我都懂 但是有啥好處了 同一個(gè)公司直接可以從PLM調(diào)用啊,至于上傳有的公司保密不讓上傳吧


不讓上傳的公司,如何使用訂閱服務(wù)的solidworks,顯然只有開放網(wǎng)絡(luò)的公司才能使用訂閱服務(wù),而只有使用訂閱服務(wù)的公司才能享受到part supply  發(fā)表于 2016-6-15 19:41


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