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關(guān)于DIN 988-1990墊片環(huán)與支撐環(huán)的原文翻譯

發(fā)表于 2016-7-16 07:35:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
[img=1,1][/img]最近看到了DIN 988的原文翻譯,不是很清楚,現(xiàn)摘抄如下:+ ~3 X  @. Q4 r
shim rings are designed to prevent machine components from moving axially.the preferred application of these rings is to compensate for the play of such components where secured by circlips as specified in DIN471 and DIN472,DIN983 and DIN 984 or lock washers as specified in DIN6799.shim rings may only be used where the contact faces are smooth. they shall not suffer any deformation when used with components that have rounded edges (shaft collars stepped holes)
/ ]' i' P5 a* i# l. J supporting rings are intended for used with circlips or lock washers to ensure that do not deform when subjected to excessive axial forces as may be expected where the edges of machine components are rounded or chamfered.- U* u$ c. W8 x  P$ q# B. K/ F, F
It should be noted that where shim rings and/or supporting rings are used as part of rolling bearings,there may be risk of the rings scraping against projecting parts of the cage,or the inner of outer bearing ring.
7 H' O, [6 G- ~% E7 P$ i# k 我對DIN 988中的支撐環(huán)也不是很明白,比如說他要支撐,但是他的一端是接觸在卡環(huán)上的,卡環(huán)的剛度并沒那么大,這樣做能行嗎?
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