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機械英語今日練:The helpful humanoids

發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 10:51:51 | 只看該作者
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 11:27:23 | 只看該作者
大君 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 08:42
! z  S: Z+ w, P& j: B3 Kapart from這個關鍵詞沒有譯出來有點可惜,apart from是“除了”的意思,因此本段的第2句小句one thing t ...

+ D5 N: |- d8 s& n, ?謝謝指導,繼續(xù)學習。
  ]; ^" e3 {7 m" H$ r' B
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 11:53:05 | 只看該作者
The air was thick with the legacy of Astro Boy when Masayoshi Son, CEO of telecommunications giant SoftBank, stepped onto a darkened stage outside Tokyo in June 2014, and held up what looked like a glowing heart. This he presented to a 120-centimeter-tall humanoid robot standing next to him, and it immediately came to life, lighting up and introducing itself in a high-pitched voice as ‘Pepper’.  j3 s9 z- c! U  U% X- J7 \
當通信行業(yè)巨頭軟銀公司的CEO孫正義,在2014年6月踏上東京之外的黑暗舞臺舉起像發(fā)光的心的阿童木時,空氣仿佛停止了,他呈現(xiàn)的一個120cm的仿人機器人站在他身邊,并且機器人立刻活動起來,照亮并且用一個高分貝的聲音自我介紹像一個‘辣椒’。) d2 g+ ~8 j" {

* `3 b; H; s( d& ]6 NThe robot is designed to be a communication robot that can help out in the home or workplace; it is also expected to help monitor Japan’s growing population of elderly based on information provided by the market. Developed by SoftBank Robotics Corp., Pepper has two arms, a 10.1-inch touchscreen display on its chest, audio, visual and tactile sensors and a wheeled base called omni-wheel for locomotion. It can retrieve weather forecasts from the Internet, play word games and do dance routines, and able to add new functions from the web by downloading ‘Robo Apps.’ It’s also billed as the first robot of its kind that can read human emotions and develop its own feelings to make it a better companion.. D9 ?! z! |9 Z% w0 {; R6 E
機器人被設計成一個通信機器人可以在家或工作場所提供幫助,它也可以在市場提供信息的基礎上被期望去幫助監(jiān)控日本日益增長的老齡化人群。通過軟銀機器人公司的發(fā)展,阿童木有了兩個手臂,一個10.1英寸的觸摸屏在胸部,聲音、視覺、觸覺傳感器和一個被稱為全向輪的輪式的基礎提供運動。它可以通過網絡檢索天氣預報,玩文字游戲和跳常規(guī)的舞蹈,也能增加新的功能通過網絡下載機器人APP。它也被號稱為第一個機器人能閱讀人類的心理,發(fā)展自己的感覺并變?yōu)槿祟惛玫呐笥选?br /> / k( L+ Q* U5 E* R7 S; aWe want to have a robot that will maximize people’s joy and minimize their sadness,” Son said while presenting Pepper to journalists. Since its commercial debut in 2015, priced at about $9,500 for a three-year period, thousands of Pepper robots have been sold, both to households and businesses. Companies have adopted the ‘Pepper for Biz’ model, which is priced at about $540 a month. They have been using the robot to help promote everything from smartphones and coffee makers to financial products and tourist destinations.
; D) z) q) I* O$ l" }" \! ~# \我們希望能有一個機器人能()最大化人類的喜和悲,孫正義對新聞記者們說。自從在2015年商業(yè)亮相,標價9500美元,在三年時間內,售出了上千的機器人,有家用的和商用的。很多公司采用‘辣椒’做商業(yè)模特,一個月價值540美元。它們也用機器人來改善很多事情從智能手機和咖啡機到金融產品和旅游景點。
4 y2 g, m7 C) [6 ]- G7 EPepper can now be seen at electronics retailers, hotel lobbies, trade shows, and more. Meanwhile, dozens of apps for Pepper have been developed, with themes ranging from storytelling to cooking tips. The robot recently began support for Google’s Android operating system, opening up even more possibilities, especially through the help of developers.
- g5 l# c! s- D‘辣椒’現(xiàn)在也能被看做一個電子產品零售商,在旅館大廳,貿易展廳和其他更多地方。同時許多針對‘辣椒’的APP被開發(fā)出來,主題包括從講故事到烹飪技巧等。機器人最近開始支持谷歌的安卓操作系統(tǒng),開放了更多的可能性,特別是通過開發(fā)者們的幫助。& l4 U8 c: f* F7 B7 b1 ^; H
% f9 {8 s+ T- w7 S: Q
長時間不寫,感覺在文字上相當欠火候,總是詞不達意,看來得讀一些文章了2 \  w. A# t) _& X3 `


總體的意思表達還是完整的,但是句子結構上還是混亂了一些,有進步的空間!靶胚_雅”,221大俠已經完成第一步了,加油~  詳情 回復 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 13:43
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 13:43:13 | 只看該作者
老人與海221 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 11:53" m9 V' K: b& a7 C0 G, Q
The air was thick with the legacy of Astro Boy when Masayoshi Son, CEO of telecommunications giant S ...

( u# z( b" Z: N* Z; P總體的意思表達還是完整的,但是句子結構上還是混亂了一些,有進步的空間。“信達雅”,221大俠已經完成第一步了,加油~
2 g( D8 y4 ^' m9 T- d/ t


什么時候把‘信’完全領會貫通了,“達”就相對容易達到了,至于“雅”那是很久以后的事了,不積跬步無以至千里呀。  詳情 回復 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 14:03
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 14:03:11 | 只看該作者
大君 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 13:43
# n/ V8 k! e% Y6 U# j$ v總體的意思表達還是完整的,但是句子結構上還是混亂了一些,有進步的空間。“信達雅”,221大俠已經完成 ...

2 J: e: H5 ]: n8 t# h2 n" D什么時候把‘信’完全領會貫通了,“達”就相對容易達到了,至于“雅”那是很久以后的事了,不積跬步無以至千里呀。


恩,確實如此,受教了  詳情 回復 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 14:21
其實大俠翻譯的時候有時候不用糾結個別詞匯,整句話通順且意思表達完整即可,意譯就在于此  發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 14:14
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 14:21:42 | 只看該作者
老人與海221 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 14:03( u! f5 K4 w* g7 ^- b. ?0 A. j# o& U9 `
什么時候把‘信’完全領會貫通了,“達”就相對容易達到了,至于“雅”那是很久以后的事了,不積跬步無以 ...
1 D" q9 N2 v8 ]- r; t% K
恩,確實如此,受教了. u1 H) ?# n# g. b% X
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 15:14:07 | 只看該作者
左次無咎 發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 07:58
7 O/ d1 O- @( U3 I+ [版主女神,我愛你
3 ?: |- w* M# g! H3 U+ W8 {
2 N/ ~3 m3 g: B4 y0 y1 y
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-19 21:11:32 | 只看該作者


昨天偷懶了,今天補上:)  發(fā)表于 2016-9-20 08:48
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發(fā)表于 2016-9-20 13:19:14 | 只看該作者
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-9-20 16:56:53 | 只看該作者
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