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Solidworks Simulia Enigneer:仿真進階 非線性大變形

發(fā)表于 2017-2-23 15:12:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
' C3 ^: s: t4 r: @' U在Solidworks World 2017上,達索公司推出Simulia Enigneer云計算,在Solidworks Simulation、FlowSimulation、Plastics基礎上,進一步解決非線性大變形仿真問題。
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達索SIMULIA公司(原ABAQUS公司)是世界知名的計算機仿真行業(yè)的軟件公司,成立于1978年,其主要業(yè)務為世界上最著名的非線性有限元分析軟件Abaqus進行開發(fā)、維護及售后服務。2005年5月,前ABAQUS軟件公司與世界知名的在產(chǎn)品生命周期管理軟件方面擁有先進技術的達索系統(tǒng)合并,共同開發(fā)新一代的模擬真實世界的仿真技術平臺SIMULIA。SIMULIA不斷吸取最新的分析理論和計算機技術,領導著全世界非線性有限元技術和仿真數(shù)據(jù)管理系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展。- C7 s$ ?0 K3 V7 A8 S
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In the same way that not all cars are equal, not all structural analysis solvers are either. So what is an optimal solution for solving low-complexity problems is probably not the best for high-complexity problems although they are still both structural analysis solvers. As a result, we need to offer a range of solutions that deliver the best experience across a wide range of problems.
This is where the new Simulation Engineer solution comes in. It is tailored to solve very complex structural problems but can it solve the relatively simple cases? Yes, however, it would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. The new Simulation Engineer solution expands the coverage of the SOLIDWORKS Simulation portfolio by delivering the world-leading Abaqus solver on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
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SOLIDWORKS has spent the last 15 years making structural analysis more accessible through UI and workflow improvements that enable any designer to setup, run and understand their results directly inside of their CAD workflow. This focus has not dimmed with the introduction of Simulation Engineer. For example, while Simulation Engineer is on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, users can easily access and use this powerful solution with ‘one click’ from within their familiar SOLIDWORKS Simulation environment. This ‘one click’ will transfer geometry, materials and many boundary conditions over to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform kick starting the solution. One click, it’s as easy as making a purchase on Amazon. In addition to a new solver, Simulation Engineer users will benefit from a wide range of material models and a robust and automatic contact setup together with advanced meshing tools. Together these technologies from SIMULIA result in a product that will deliver high-accuracy solutions for the most exacting of structural simulation problems.
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