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物料科學(xué), q3 P( d% t1 c! J# l; _
Material Science 5 d) ~1 S/ A4 e, K# J4 l2 j3 w1 l
物料科學(xué)定義Material Science Definition
% W7 j) T  \# T加工性能 & E' l. ?1 E4 k1 s: |
Machinability) T2 {7 L$ k$ k' j: ^. p
強(qiáng)度4 ^( S$ ~4 y( l* z* \: F% u
7 _( \  c- s0 ^4 {  A9 o抗腐蝕及耐用 # u, [. }- o( n0 A; I1 `" v
Corrosion & resistance durability
( E) j6 Y) V, x+ a) H金屬特性# P; ^( W9 ?: E; n+ A" m: _; y9 B
Special metallic features1 x# r6 \: _, b
, E, O2 b  }. N# N% r$ oAllergic, re-cycling & environmental protection8 [- X# G" i. d  O- W3 Y
化學(xué)元素 5 i9 N8 @! Z9 q
Chemical element
. }! ^  Y( \: k3 r" o元素的原子序數(shù) - {/ y' l" m3 n$ o3 U' s  }
Atom of Elements4 ]1 \! s; k5 e4 B  N; b
' _* f; g- y5 HAtom and solid material# F3 v# z+ q3 ~0 A
原子的組成、大小、體積和單位圖表 # m& l/ e1 U; t+ z+ c( n' X
The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron)
( y8 G& Q+ Q* Z原子的組織圖 ) _: L' P5 d5 \; }' B% a
Atom Constitutes . s6 y- c- E9 @5 N
2 g: l+ R- C2 D: ?& X5 RPeriodic Table ! _3 J, E& z' R& J# N
原子鍵結(jié) * k5 {6 I8 V; L2 x3 H. v- S' f
Atom Bonding 9 L$ ?' o% P  H1 \
金屬與合金 Metal and Alloy
+ E; }2 o8 n' ~; L# B# S5 a鐵及非鐵金屬) g2 z: u- k2 T" j4 ?7 `/ T
Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal
! x) y( J! o6 U. l: t" A) Y金屬的特性
/ P7 u2 J1 U- m. X# x0 PFeatures of Metal
  k. C- ]; n& z; l6 m晶體結(jié)構(gòu) Crystal Pattern
% {! M& M" C. H1 {9 {) s. ^晶體結(jié)構(gòu),定向格子及單位晶格 * v; U' `3 d/ H8 @8 k4 }( o
Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cell
3 _9 I1 G2 ?' x( K, R4 GX線結(jié)晶分析法
% [; X: X! }7 b% j8 O. NX – ray crystal analyics method
3 k: v. p* r  n0 j6 I. D- L6 A: d金屬結(jié)晶格子 Metal space lattice
- g' t( ?; A( g' ?格子常數(shù) Lattice constant
/ M9 K' \: w9 i/ X米勒指數(shù) Mill's Index
2 f6 d8 V5 ^* F% ]' C  |金相及相律 Metal Phase and Phase Rule9 K- [5 |; `# t" i
固熔體 Solid solution % a# @: ~+ d* {4 F& Q
置換型固熔體 Substitutional type solid solution
9 T9 C7 V+ j1 X插入型固熔體 Interstital solid solution 0 K: d) |" N4 z9 ^
金屬間化物 Intermetallic compound
' d2 z5 ~6 [. B4 T0 o& i2 z金屬變態(tài)
( S& T0 n1 j4 o, J6 a8 fTransformation
7 M& i. {' ~2 Y變態(tài)點(diǎn)
6 L+ Q; ^) l# B: qTransformation Point
; `4 C+ ^6 o; I2 q. p( M/ s$ V磁性變態(tài)& F. j3 A: `) u
Magnetic Transformation
) p/ [! [1 i  Y9 [同素變態(tài)
# Y% t+ R* R6 NAllotropic Transformation
* {- X: M( y: C6 I合金平衡狀態(tài) 3 `; j& g* b! Z; R7 B
Thermal Equilibrium
$ c' C' Z; v% n; P- l0 R0 J相律/ h/ w5 P5 ]3 [  D
Phase Rule" i' d' V( ]! k5 J
自由度1 p6 _/ f  d+ ~
Degree of freedom
" ]) O. `+ j5 l臨界溫度
) X6 y1 A; `6 l1 F! D  VCritical temperture
. ^/ e. r4 C2 H; |5 i, J+ o共晶) k1 z: v& z# ?% O4 X7 r
Eutectic 6 J0 b! {. Y2 i/ e" {+ Z1 F( u
包晶溫度 Peritectic Temperature
# E3 Y& j) c7 o; a1 L包晶反應(yīng) Peritectic Reaction
) M( g8 f# {9 G包晶合金 Peritectic Alloy
: b& r% [* y* ^7 h亞共晶體 Hypoeutetic Alloy
3 S/ M2 O9 U+ p! |( I& b過(guò)共晶體 Hyper-ectectic Alloy# _* V! E; R; c( u: {7 X5 e, x  V  [
金屬的相融、相融溫度、晶體反應(yīng)及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反應(yīng)的比較 4 r4 X  N  w' g5 u5 y/ c8 F& r
Equilibrium Comparision 9 S5 _% z1 K" {, t* u9 [
金屬塑性 Plastic Deformation & J9 U4 K& y( `2 w! w9 ^! ]
滑動(dòng)面 Slip Plan
3 D$ h% J# V2 I1 M畸變 Distortion
+ \1 M2 `& D% W1 A' a, ]硬化 Work Hardening
, v, q' o7 ~* U$ w退火 Annealing, B$ ]; A. x4 k& Q
回復(fù)柔軟 Crystal Recovery: v$ f- F6 L. e9 o1 e3 U
再結(jié)晶 Recrystallization0 Z; i- x9 w0 u3 p
金屬材料的性能及試驗(yàn) + c5 v6 \) X& c7 A" N2 z5 i
Properties & testing of metal 3 ?7 }! ]$ k" A9 f$ G
5 R; B1 \0 c& y/ ^5 R4 _Chemical Properties
6 i* Y! ?+ v* P; I# k$ g物理性能 + \. h! J0 v6 _/ V( W/ Q) ?
Physical Properties& q% d2 I! Z& |4 U; H( ~7 t; Z% U, O- }
; m. P( I: q. k" U' ^" k0 M6 h0 oColour) K5 m2 v# ^+ b
3 a! o3 o8 Q; [  D- i3 Z4 cMagnetisum 1 {% S! p9 T7 m" J/ M5 [
3 \! k% N5 V; i  \& ^Specific resistivity & specific resistance : t3 e% t+ D1 V+ p
% h$ [/ Z9 M. P/ F& [2 XSpecific gravity & specific density
$ d9 h/ g" g3 L  h6 t  I6 I比熱
2 s6 }6 v) I2 v2 N% D, b* cSpecific Heat
2 o4 E1 S& U  q8 q) S0 Q' D熱膨脹系數(shù) * V( `9 Y- N: @# R7 [2 f5 M: j  [
Coefficient of thermal expansion
4 e$ v; c* q8 {  ]$ |" m- L導(dǎo)熱度1 Y+ i( o) y, j- r1 d4 }
Heat conductivity / j' Z' J: y0 }
機(jī)械性能 Mechanical properties
- t# a- X, l# ]+ F* j屈服強(qiáng)度(降伏強(qiáng)度) (Yield strangth)5 e8 E, d0 |& y
+ g: N( s/ B- L* h0 b( X* Jelastic limit, Yeung's module of elasticity to yield point
8 p- [' D3 p7 a伸長(zhǎng)度 ( ^+ V& s2 `1 R% l6 \2 }: P8 K' v
  O* v, B) N% }4 g& I$ V斷面縮率
0 H' \- m, z1 D6 p  }Reduction of area$ k. g) E" g1 T
7 G% o! s" ^  F) f; o+ _The Method of Metal inspection
! F1 U3 n/ P; J8 \% c9 H9 s5 ?不破壞檢驗(yàn)
+ [* f$ z9 q, O* o* oNon – destructive inspections
  A; _$ x  M8 ~' E2 F: s. e8 f滲透探傷法 2 m! Q: D1 C: y& V& ~$ s  y
Penetrate inspection 9 D1 ~# O* i& N% A% {
6 l% ~* s4 `+ r" a8 S# R: k4 t' pMagnetic particle inspection: E, i  [& m; I  C
" T* j* q0 e3 I6 b% F* |% xRadiographic inspection 0 A5 n( B5 x- V0 s
超聲波探傷法9 q, l( V3 L' z$ L
Ultrasonic inspection ' m, j+ _- p, x4 l3 w' S+ r
( m$ [0 }( r1 v! s; O) {# Z$ [! e5 F* eMicroscopic inspection
4 J' R* M6 m( |# \破壞的檢驗(yàn) 3 h, I- t. \$ o5 M# w7 F* a( s
Destructive Inspection
1 |. b3 [7 h4 e4 Z1 Y沖擊測(cè)試# ]; ]( ~3 B( |3 }* \* j. d& g% B) ^
Impact Test9 d' L7 t, |1 x- s) X! Y
) K! k6 s% `4 i  m# LFatigue Test
" T9 b) p& k& Q/ ?" Z; {; y1 x3 ~, ]潛變測(cè)試 Creep Test
# Q' c) K' g  B/ b0 a潛變強(qiáng)度! w' m# m) n3 T6 r1 l8 I/ l' r
Creeps Strength
% L" x' `) i4 J8 C  c第壹潛變期 & V# a. v$ d: s# Q  v
Primary Creep
) \) c6 }* N- |! \, ]( b) A. Z3 P. y: L- b第二潛變期
' ?* h! }. w) lSecondary Creep( x, U8 U8 `( K! _
' d9 U, \5 P; X7 l! j" T- xTertiary Creep( {' y: J+ k/ c! n6 c$ i, n
主要金屬元素之物理性質(zhì)+ r8 ?; {; S% d% T; o' s9 e
Physical properties of major Metal Elements4 F* R! l! N" M6 S% h. y+ O! G
工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及規(guī)格 – 鐵及非鐵金屬
+ {0 \& d7 H2 CIndustrial Standard – Ferrous & Non – ferrous Metal $ h+ E! o) I! h$ A. o$ {4 d
磁力 Magnetic" Z0 t0 c% H( w+ F- `9 ?
簡(jiǎn)介 General & z. O. h9 {6 i- M+ l( Q6 @
軟磁 Soft Magnetic
# z" i% F' l' H硬磁 Hard Magnetic7 }0 v  ?$ Q4 s  X" Y7 h
磁場(chǎng) Magnetic Field
4 N% U' y% b6 n2 O& h! K磁性感應(yīng) Magnetic Induction3 m4 c+ C) i5 Z
透磁度 Magnetic Permeability. R8 x- M& l5 @0 a- C  d0 |
磁化率 Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm) / j& R4 ?$ A* ^' F3 h* _  b
磁力(Magnetic Force)及磁場(chǎng)(Magnetic Field)是因物料里的電子(Electron)活動(dòng)而產(chǎn)生 % ~2 S/ T" L8 `8 V  Y
  R4 Q: ]& A( L" @Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetism,Antiferromagnetism & Ferrimagnetism 2 f, V6 J, |2 B! H! P' r% C% e
抗磁體 Diamagnetism
7 e2 W$ N) b" ?$ I& [磁偶極子 Dipole( r3 [. Q7 X, U
負(fù)磁力效應(yīng) Negative effect% S* _3 {0 E/ u- t$ ~& K
順磁體 Paramagnetic9 u+ ]3 h$ P- i8 c( x
正磁化率 Positive magnetic susceptibility
; N+ ~. ]( m# J* g鐵磁體 Ferromagnetism ! {; p: M+ h/ e* K' J! b
轉(zhuǎn)變?cè)?Transition element
# C6 z/ p* g* o' p  Y交換能量 Positive energy exchange
& G  j7 V  S/ s; {" b$ t5 X外價(jià)電子 Outer valence electrons" m' n: x; D' s5 ^( `4 r7 O6 g
化學(xué)結(jié)合 Chemical bond
7 y8 t" y$ r+ |" F4 K自發(fā)上磁 Spontaneous magnetization7 x8 g' @" [9 x. O$ s, H
磁疇 Magnetic domain
6 Q; Y. [# e' @& _相反旋轉(zhuǎn) Opposite span& H3 s4 p; ~$ ^1 e4 N9 h
比較抗磁體、順磁體及鐵磁體 9 u2 L8 S" o9 G
Comparison of Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism
$ n7 O) V# R# ]7 Q7 S3 z3 W反鐵磁體 Antiferromagnetism + B; O8 c7 r" }  v, [2 s; F" }% w
亞鐵磁體 Ferrimagnetism
& Q9 U5 J' M- f; s8 g, {磁矩 magnetic moment8 y) D" S% h+ s: L$ Y. F/ @
凈磁矩 Net magnetic moment
! x3 m* \/ q. g  Y鋼鐵的主要成份+ f' V, c; P! c( c2 x" }$ j
The major element of steel $ M4 [% a, X! o9 O4 [, }# G- i8 l
鋼鐵用"碳"之含量來(lái)分類9 V& \( ~: B8 K% W4 `+ Q
Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents. s8 t6 o0 a) y" G# _' d
5 C) ~$ Y% n6 w. j  f7 R/ S2 b8 VSteel Phases
( g- Y  H8 k8 f, l* d; E2 `2 {鋼鐵的名稱
4 `) f: t. @: I, `Name of steel
. O, P. \* R; u- |4 U- Q) r* H純鐵體
% A" N8 [" @8 x) g. tFerrite
7 W6 K  g5 L# l" K, _. u# [滲碳體
% A0 @( n- M4 u( mCementitle. V) \1 w0 m% a1 P
奧氏體 Austenite
2 a! p7 w$ v3 c珠光體及共釋鋼
$ F4 @# t8 _' F' k! A3 Y5 UPearlite &Eutectoid . i6 d( w9 `6 F( c8 P% }
奧氏體碳鋼   k9 w3 _- X% N% |5 z) x+ V) c6 K
Austenite Carbon Steel
2 H4 K0 Z  [& l# }5 O/ {0 G單相金屬
  s/ p9 d( V  N% k- |! j% {Single Phase Metal
( B+ G" F2 F5 H" g( i共釋變態(tài)
! M+ ^, h; c! J5 `! C$ s/ o" L- Y% UEutectoid Transformation
8 ]- x7 t# u* J3 V3 C珠光體 Pearlite: Q, o1 E/ x% _; P: n- S/ S
亞鐵釋體 & c- x3 x$ ]1 _7 k
Hyppo-Eutectoid % C6 T1 v8 S3 z2 P' M: {! h! |: y
初釋純鐵體 Pro-entectoid ferrite/ Q! Z/ s; I5 \
過(guò)共釋鋼 Hype-eutectoid " w' u& H. I/ {4 h' c
珠光體 : z! q1 @. W# r4 \( J) ?8 z
Pearlite 8 H' @; w2 l! G. s- {& q% O* {$ c- \
粗珠光體 Coarse pearlite8 @6 t3 q) v: O& ]. {* [0 ?
中珠光體 Medium pearlite
% q$ b4 i+ a4 n& f幼珠光體 Fine pearlite1 A& U. i5 M" p$ w: J0 O
磁性變態(tài)點(diǎn) Magnetic Transformation
7 Y7 V  C1 m5 d4 P4 Z: ~* {( I2 s鋼鐵的制造- S  R0 `/ x( T( D% ^. _
Manufacturing of Steel 9 y$ u2 C7 i4 ?& _9 H2 m8 r
連續(xù)鑄造法 Continuous casting process
2 F% v! R) M4 c4 R+ C電爐 Electric furnace. C. m2 h3 h/ U
均熱爐 Soaking pit. |2 C0 `$ U+ v; V( O, s
全靜鋼 Killed steel
/ V* F! n0 c1 N2 y0 a半靜鋼 Semi-killed steel" K8 X9 A# v& ]( p+ b
沸騰鋼(未凈鋼) Rimmed steel* b7 f  b4 H1 f3 w$ L' D* d
鋼鐵生產(chǎn)流程 Steel Production Flow Chart 6 u4 O' i# L) z  p  K
鋼材的熔鑄、鍛造、擠壓及延軋5 X" `5 o' [8 j" ~( _% k6 q* v4 G
The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel 0 O/ p- f: s* G% N
熔鑄 Casting
( P. P* S; a) ]8 E4 K( n' J. H鍛造 Fogging
3 [* a( L' C9 S- K擠壓 Extrusion
$ A$ }7 ^) |7 v, y! w延軋 Rolling% o. t# ?) X% p( \  E+ u
沖剪 Drawing & stamping& g# L7 [0 T6 e* a* v: ~
特殊鋼 Special Steel- B+ {2 ?' J6 m8 ^2 S- w  C
0 v5 B. q4 Q& O0 M- B8 j! SGeneral5 v4 f* E# _  c# h
特殊鋼以原素分類 ! F1 y7 p0 O% ?
Classification of Special Steel according to Element
: D0 p3 P, e5 U特殊鋼以用途來(lái)分類 ' l; h5 J% I1 x3 n( q
Classification of Special Steel according to End Usage # o5 P) V' N, @. @: m
: j/ }: F: T1 ~7 e+ C% p( _Free Cutting Stainless Steel
; }$ N1 P  w( g* T# A含鉛易車鋼 ; X' ?4 C9 r, l4 d8 J( v
Leaded Free Cutting Steel ' s. c" Q' G1 y" w) D" X- R. M# B! ~
含硫易車鋼 ) q$ Q0 X1 X4 ?# D( R
Sulphuric Free Cutting Steel
) ]3 R6 ^' Q4 D5 g5 ?硬化性能, ^& V; m5 e+ V; H
* d# W* t* g8 {( N鋼的脆性9 x0 L% ]9 U: o. P9 E$ S0 }7 }
Brittleness of Steel 8 T4 x2 Z, S  M6 {3 }% s0 d
低溫脆性 Cold brittleness, k; h# c, O) b+ `% o
回火脆性 Temper brittleness
  d; \: G2 e& [0 Q" s; M日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下的特殊鋼材
* o2 u( D7 b! R" o3 H0 DSpecail Steel according to JIS Standard
" Z- o, G4 H  g' d; o. D: V/ O鉻鋼 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JIS G4104
3 d2 X) D. a, G4 GChrome steel to JIS G4104
) @" u$ N6 D$ L2 Z鉻鉬鋼鋼材 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) G4105 622 G+ e( ~. }' M6 o$ \5 Q
Chrome Molybdenum steel to JIS G4105 7 T- e/ \( I4 w, r) w6 U* N5 Q0 A
鎳鉻 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) G4102 63* j0 Y4 S& u; i8 p! V& k" Q
Chrome Nickel steel to JIS G4102 4 e' N: ]: _2 H% J
鎳鉻鉬鋼 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) G4103 64
4 z/ }7 t/ p1 B+ I8 O/ `9 Y% qNickel, Chrome & Molybdenum Steel to JIS G4103 & c- n, \2 x2 m6 I7 {8 D
高錳鋼鑄 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
5 D  G4 c% Q$ _5 P: N) vHigh manganese steel to JIS standard
1 N. X0 x8 q4 W5 ^1 {片及板材  n. `) ]' R* K" i
Chapter Four-Strip, Steel & Plate. [3 M% r( n& V( W# p7 R: U
冷轆低碳鋼片(雙單光片)(日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JIS G3141) 73 - 95
9 g% S6 U9 S/ c$ S8 gCold Rolled (Low carbon) Steel Strip (to JIS G 3141)5 I( k/ u% f) y& f) A1 D
1 [: S& M! e0 @& |( f; xGeneral
. L/ G& U0 E1 H: n: P+ Z美材試標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的冷轆低碳鋼片
$ v3 A  A( s! I+ w  j9 tCold Rolled Steel Strip American Standard – American Society for testing and materials (ASTM) . L5 S. R7 U; ~6 K
日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)JIS G3141冷轆低碳鋼片(雙單光片)的編號(hào)淺釋 / }- @& V; h) [5 N& _/ p$ H* }- z( C
Decoding of cold rolled(Low carbon)steel strip JIS G3141
4 |, g! K' U# `材料的加工性能 Drawing abillity
7 W5 f. Q) f' [0 c* o硬度 Hardness# S" j" i! u# n
表面處理 Surface finish
, X0 Q+ b# w. @! ?7 M冷轆鋼捆片及張片制作流程圖表& h5 V- l3 T1 G6 E# J7 D
Production flow chart cold rolled steel coil sheet
) B" E; H% w+ b( X( q! Y9 c冷轆鋼捆片及張片的電鍍和印刷方法
; n+ a5 Z4 u& ]4 ~4 B+ uCold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating & painting method ) t' h2 E9 W. Q" b0 [7 Y6 ~2 N
冷轆(低碳)鋼片的分類用、途、工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、品質(zhì)、加熱狀態(tài)及硬度表3 ?: \. d/ {/ }$ c# L. C) i7 ^+ `* J
End usages, industrial standard, quality, condition and hardness of cold rolled steel strip & K- y# l5 n3 {. @( }: X" `; c
硬度及拉力 Hardness & Tensile strength test
# C: L  |# j) R+ g$ Z0 C拉伸測(cè)試(順紋測(cè)試)
* \  f* [/ V$ g" C9 VElongation test # P( z( u9 [. {2 I2 J/ z; H
杯突測(cè)試(厚度: 0.4公厘至1.6公厘,準(zhǔn)確至0.1公厘 3個(gè)試片平均數(shù))4 G$ p8 \6 `0 v# N+ i" H
Erichsen test (Thickness: 0.4mm to 1.6mm, figure round up to 0.1mm)
5 U+ R6 X& s; s( e4 U7 o& W4 G! B曲面(假曲率)

使用道具 舉報(bào)

 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2008-2-21 13:27:56 | 只看該作者


/ q; P( ?# s& r7 K+ B7 T( d厚度及闊度公差 Tolerance on Thickness & Width
3 P- d2 B/ e8 h/ m平坦度(闊度大于500公厘,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)回火)/ \0 _+ L6 i/ o  \/ g
Flatness (width>500mm, temper: standard) ; l3 j% ?/ K% j( |% a
彎度 Camber
2 p9 m$ e+ J: d$ e# I8 U冷轆鋼片儲(chǔ)存與處理提示! v  a' g" V0 Q2 V- v( A  [
General advice on handling & storage of cold rolled steel coil & sheet 4 o) r; R; D- j, n
. b! W* F& ~  P) S3 p5 d7 `" WRust Protection 7 v- z# s/ `$ l, m* t1 c3 R1 e7 h
生銹速度表8 Q1 y. e  t1 q* ~9 c5 T5 U1 r
Speed of rusting
$ Y) D- \3 d) [# _/ c& ^焊接 Welding
+ p0 I/ H' H* @8 ]2 [5 }氣焊 Gas Welding% f: O& ^0 `$ }$ |
埋弧焊 Submerged-arc Welding6 f& W1 |" ]4 d
電阻焊 Resistance Welding+ ~, K2 u: y9 r9 d
冷轆鋼片(拉力: 30-32公斤/平方米)在沒(méi)有表面處理狀態(tài)下的焊接狀況% U* M. _7 F; j% n
9 a* N) @0 K; H; [
Spot welding conditions for bared (free from paint, oxides etc) Cold rolled mild steel sheets(T/S:30-32 Kgf/ μ m2) 5 d/ p' F( i" t
時(shí)間效應(yīng)(老化)及拉伸應(yīng)變 ( ^) ]2 k  V8 i/ _. U" ^4 W/ K. ^
Aging & Stretcher Strains + ~" J/ r: r6 w! i; G+ y6 x% v
日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(JIS G3141)冷轆鋼片化學(xué)成份6 ?/ \; E9 n) P  [) k6 \$ w4 a
Chemical composition – cold rolled steel sheet to JIS G3141
/ Q2 d8 W3 S  F# A8 S4 R. |2 Z. L4 x冷轆鋼片的"理論重量"計(jì)算方程式
% Z7 `* `2 T% lCold Rolled Steel Sheet – Theoretical mass
# z$ v; y/ R: r% M日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(JIS G3141)冷轆鋼片重量列表
1 T; U% B) F8 X8 V$ {  {4 pMass of Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet to JIS G3141 $ H) {5 ^( V5 r: M8 f
- U  y3 v) I( r! A4 ?: q+ uOrdering of cold rolled steel strip/sheet
; u& l& K+ R0 j0 L) `9 T0 Y其它日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)冷軋鋼片(用途及編號(hào)) 1 Q' J' f5 ^) d; P3 C4 ^- n& Q6 C
JIS standard & application of other cold Rolled Special Steel 3 C( A* k: c) @3 e1 M, v
電鍍鋅鋼片或電解鋼片 1 l2 M1 S) i) t& m7 U
Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet/Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet   T% \, [% e0 D1 I5 P( ?
簡(jiǎn)介( X- B( r& _# _' V" k, O3 o
General 9 {3 A( e8 I' m2 k+ u, b( l  k
9 E  s7 o2 j# P- U& D$ n2 KGalvanic Action improving Weather & Corrosion Resistance of the Base Steel Sheet
; o! ~) U3 W1 k$ G  k6 W上漆能力 Paint Adhesion3 U  ?% {: h" H* H( Y5 u
電鍍鋅鋼片的焊接, o* C/ i, `+ b! z& B% i
Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet
7 h% W7 k' e' A+ w0 x) l' p4 c' D點(diǎn)焊 * s8 I4 u$ r! v4 g1 i/ G  x
Spot welding/ _; R- R# C0 s6 X% y% q" z  y
滾焊 ! |+ N: I$ A, @2 O
Seam welding
0 I3 u! J( \8 i' e/ J, c/ ^; ^, h電鍍鋅(電解)鋼片# \2 g2 e# x- Z) V
Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet
7 ]* S4 M) g5 c, ?生產(chǎn)流程
% G4 K( g  m9 P% |" kProduction Flow Chart% R: V/ W4 e# R
常用的鍍鋅鋼片(電解片)的基層金屬、用途、日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、美材標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及一般厚度' I/ Q8 L( H, L* Q3 J" q
Base metal, application, JIS & ASTM standard, and Normal thickness of galvanized steel sheet
+ Z; N1 L! A; K' T# i) o) g6 E鋅鍍層質(zhì)量 Zinc Coating Mass6 B" \6 E8 T  v
表面處理 Surface Treatment
5 E- y- u6 G( {( t1 O7 h. x% T* q, ]冷軋鋼片 Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Strip ; @+ d9 u. G: T+ A
熱軋鋼片 Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip
8 P% F' d7 q6 c; T4 f5 Q! G電解冷軋鋼片厚度公差 4 E( X- W9 W- U  z3 Y
Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet 2 O. Y& u: O5 W4 c* w# T' Q  O( h: y
, g) a' I4 v* T0 W& J' ?Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet
; W; v( ~$ T4 [: `2 R* A8 F冷軋或熱軋鋼片闊度公差
; {! H& w7 I3 N9 V# |  {9 EWidth Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet % e6 A/ h6 u) M5 J
長(zhǎng)度公差 Length Tolerance
4 V  [& R% E; d7 _, v5 y理論質(zhì)量 Theoretical Mass$ D9 ]) w) D# o( J- n# k
鋅鍍層質(zhì)量(兩個(gè)相同鋅鍍層厚度) ) O7 g1 ~8 p3 k% I! `; ]# o4 H
Mass Calculation of coating (For equal coating)/MM ) h+ T; d5 F  O# J! ?& k, N
& z3 O" ]8 ?0 m* i; d( l! C; `Mass Calculation of coating (For differential coating)/MM * }, j9 F6 I  e4 R3 d+ ?5 H
鍍錫薄鐵片(白鐵皮/馬口鐵) (日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JIS G3303) ' ^$ h3 U0 i$ o3 k( Y- Q
簡(jiǎn)介 & m5 ?1 T5 c' c' \" e
General' J% M/ o1 f' h. b  P" e/ ?, B5 |% K
' l  v8 \! x$ i. [" QConstruction of Electrolytic Tinplate
) g' K$ R4 Z* [  {' P1 X* T鍍錫薄鋼片(白鐵皮/馬日鐵)制造過(guò)程 4 o2 ]( j! B/ \" E  O4 t
Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate 1 k8 D! A  }6 @1 J
錫層質(zhì)量. f3 b5 }9 R1 p  B
Mass of Tin Coating (JIS G3303-1987)
& d0 T+ ?7 y9 T, \' z/ {兩面均等錫層' B& d8 M1 j  T3 w8 g9 u/ s) c
Both Side Equally Coated Mass ! S7 n4 n6 |; g
8 ^; a  q0 M7 O3 vBoth Side Different Thickness Coated Mass ! k3 Q8 k) |6 z" l% x2 D7 m* w
4 ~! [$ q! v. G# V) I" JGrade, Plating type, Designation of Coating Mass & Common Coating Mass 4 K3 Q' p. J/ C4 z- R3 |* v0 `) m& ^
( {* N. S/ p; a. s- J  RMarkings & Designations of Differential Coatings 0 M; e. u6 U& H4 U) u2 a
硬度 Hardness
0 x, U: m) N4 e, s7 W8 q: ?! N, W單相軋壓鍍錫薄鐵片(白鐵皮/馬口鐵)
3 I0 g+ \8 \+ Y9 c& ~  cSingle-Reduced Tinplate
) w! e, _$ b' n雙相輾壓鍍錫薄鋼片(馬口鐵/白鐵皮)# p8 E( Q0 L* X. g8 V1 K
Dual-Reduction Tinplate 6 q  H- P1 `5 o; U. u* f
鋼的種類 Type of Steel
% q0 v3 }8 P0 h6 ~表面處理 Surface Finish 3 N) k- {; N9 ~; R# L
常用尺寸 Commonly Used Size* k- p4 z, C; e* c' J  F+ C1 o
電器用硅 [硅] 鋼片 Electrical Steel Sheet " i; z) A+ d! \- c7 q3 t
簡(jiǎn)介 General
& h* A- ]4 t$ }% f, r$ b軟磁材料 Soft Magnetic Material 1 H  A1 U1 h' C1 b$ `) g( {3 F5 t# I
滯后回線 Narrow Hystersis 0 n- u7 W# S2 I) k! ^
矯頑磁力 Coercive Force ' @- Y" R) s! p- Q3 B
硬磁材料 Hard Magnetic Material! u5 \- v: K1 J# ]+ y5 J% z
最大能量積 Maximum Energy Product 1 r5 R$ D+ n: G
1 L, E( Q. F; jThe Advantage of Using Silicon low Carbon Steel
6 F/ D. J3 v3 @3 I晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented) 0 c- Z( b/ f; c- }) W, d: E+ V4 s
Grain Oriented & Non-Oriented
# ?4 S: C. s1 Q! O+ Y( O3 G; b電器用硅 [硅] 鋼片的最終用途及規(guī)格
5 G5 Q1 t; ^4 t9 A2 M/ VEnd Usage and Designations of Electrical Steel Strip
, s7 \& V4 A8 s1 p6 a5 a2 z電器用的硅 [硅] 鋼片之分類 3 |5 l$ x" ]+ c- j+ k8 j
Classification of Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use
( S2 R7 g3 z8 b* @4 [電器用鋼片的絕緣涂層
% E5 u' |& _5 _: A) C) `  c& TPerformance of Surface Insulation of Electrical Steel Sheets + \! D3 F, v/ Z0 K) b* p2 C+ Q& F
* y, H" W& Q, {- _1 T, N! ~International Standard – Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use
+ c* O) z4 z2 {晶粒取向電器用硅鋼片 Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel
* P# ]. I; q* R' J7 C. ?) R5 Q晶粒取向,定取向芯鋼片及高硼定取向芯鋼片之磁力性能及夾層系數(shù)(日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及美材標(biāo)準(zhǔn))  }4 \# l' n: X( w$ }) b- a" l
3 d- f2 ]: _: F+ w: |  V* u+ X4 @
Magnetic Properties and Lamination Factor of SI-ORIENT-CORE& SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI B Electrical Steel Strip (JIS and AISI Standard)
9 u0 L4 G" A2 g1 [8 i退火Annealing 4 R+ i4 }. P3 _* o- v
電器用鋼片用家需自行應(yīng)力退火原因 6 B+ c% c1 K$ |0 u8 p
Annealing of the Electrical Steel Sheet6 p( [" G2 k5 M6 {  x
退火時(shí)注意事項(xiàng) Annealing Precautionary- @' {+ Y+ }* p/ q
碳污染 Prevent Carbon Contamination- D5 {8 J0 W/ y) ~
8 A; M' t- @* E& }3 vHeat from the Laminated Stacks Edges* H' U7 V" ?1 u/ G7 a0 ?0 b
提防過(guò)份氧化 6 z- Q5 s, J% ~$ ~+ A/ W
No Excessive Oxidation
& q; k1 I, z1 v應(yīng)力退火溫度
* u6 b0 y' P: y4 U# ?Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature
% E" a& G% \( \  M晶粒取向電器用硅 [硅] 鋼片 – 高硼(HI-B)定取向芯鋼片及定取向芯鋼片之機(jī)械性能及夾層系數(shù)
, u) d* w- @: O" f+ F6 P, l; b# \7 W6 Y4 b% X+ N. S8 r
Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B and SI-ORIENT-CORE Grain Orient Electrical Steel Sheets3 p9 o1 R+ ]8 d0 H
晶粒取向電器用硅 [硅] 鋼;片 – 高硼低硫(LS)定取向 鋼片之磁力及電力性能
, _. F# w) X5 j4 L" a
1 D" Z1 U3 K# D% c, Q  l7 D* FMagnetic and Electrical Properties of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS) w& u- k7 j, \8 a1 C6 c
晶粒取向電器用硅 [硅] 鋼片 – 高硼低硫(LS) 定取向鋼片之機(jī)械性能及夾層系數(shù)* A  k( m  R5 m# X1 W1 I7 P) \/ {
& o9 @. i6 U5 _
Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS
8 h* P- H. C; \! g晶粒取向電器用硅(硅)鋼片-高硼(HI-B)定取向 芯鋼片,定取向芯鋼片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯鋼片之厚度及闊度公差
1 E0 K7 s* a0 ]: r( J
) @0 V8 I+ p* DPhysical Tolerance of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B, SI-ORIENT-CORE, & SI-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain
2 y# o3 R/ Q" u- _# o% eOriented Electrical Steel Sheets; C2 r6 q) F! ~, I  ~* V
晶粒取向電器用硅(硅)鋼片 – 高硼(HI-B)定取向 芯鋼片,定取向芯鋼片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯鋼片之標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尺寸及包裝; N) U1 Q4 D9 K$ w( k

" e# @% u* W5 W6 B2 @# C) AStandard Forms and Size of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-CORE, & SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain-' M5 @0 m& L! p( Y
Oriented Electrical Steel Sheets
. I" }; O9 |4 m8 Y) C絕緣表面 Surface Insulation  ^; K% \8 F. ^2 Q; h5 v* o
非晶粒取向電力用鋼片的電力、磁力、機(jī)械性能 及夾層系數(shù)
+ h3 v/ o& W. q5 y( [* Q, _- b5 E8 J$ ]/ f/ F! |
Lamination Factors of Electrical, Magnetic & Mechanical Non-Grain Oriented Electrical5 F& j' y- l5 w9 h7 S9 Q' Q
電器及家電外殼用鍍層冷轆 [低碳] 鋼片
  N1 ^" Y# _% V1 ^' q+ xCoated (Low Carbon) Steel Sheets for Casing,Electricals & Home Appliances
8 u+ O5 I0 T7 u3 D: G7 t+ W鍍鋁硅鋼片 Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet $ l" T6 I4 ~3 J. `
簡(jiǎn)介 General 6 A5 N( M+ B- n% }; r: ]$ x
: \$ S2 N0 b" B: u. QFeature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet
% F- J; C9 a$ x) G, ?6 Q用途
& r4 A& @% s3 p9 g6 GEnd Usages
- b) A2 `% G$ k) G' r# P抗化學(xué)品能力! {) P  I6 j; K& n$ E' ]. B
Chemical Resistance 6 T+ w: }. C) H9 T6 i& E
鍍鋁(硅)鋼片 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(JIS G3314) % d% k+ d5 Q$ [8 e+ K# t
Hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to JIS G 3314 / x% ]  U  p% \! V' X$ X
鍍鋁(硅)鋼片 – 美材試標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(ASTM A-463-77)35.7 JIS G3314鍍熱浸鋁片的機(jī)械性能
  P* ~( b0 o: B6 h! N- \
7 A, L2 ]* y' Z! T, Z& U) aMechanical Properties of JIS G 3314 Hot-Dip Aluminum-coated Sheets and Coils
/ A, Y8 C- k) I5 f公差 Size Tolerance
. u/ C# q0 {3 ~1 k+ N5 |1 n' T* K鍍鋁(硅)鋼片及其它種類鋼片的抗腐蝕性能比較 + M9 @' E2 T: H2 Z0 B
Comparsion of various resistance of aluminized steel & other kinds of steel8 @, v" A& O8 y2 a; h
; i6 ?# w( ~. H+ eAluminum Steel Sheet, Production Flow Chart9 F% V5 o& q8 Z- c' M
焊接能力 Weldability 7 i! ^4 [, M/ Q' _% h! H$ M/ h
& U+ M+ T: q1 V" v8 VTips on welding of Aluminized sheet in comparasion with cold rolled steel strip
# E1 u/ Y  t+ F7 K鋼板
' ~& |  b2 M5 cSteel Plate $ ?# G( |8 r2 q" o
5 m. J+ N  s* e, p" _% ]Type of steel Plate & Related JIS, ASTM and Other Major Industrial Standards
5 C8 t/ K# U* o% _6 g. k鋼板生產(chǎn)流程
( l) S9 K+ t9 Y# Y' vProduction Flow Chart
/ D: O7 r8 L7 h3 K4 y& V' n0 ?鋼板訂貨需知
0 s' i5 A8 H* B( }+ O/ tOrdering of Steel Plate
" z- o1 ]" `! T: b! z5 x7 A; D不銹鋼
9 v- S/ @4 {' D- YStainless Steel2 R9 o& s* J+ u* w$ o4 i6 N6 A$ O' v
不銹鋼的定義 Definition of Stainless Steel
5 g0 H1 S" O  Q: ~不銹鋼之分類,耐腐蝕性及耐熱性
- J- o$ W2 p9 M4 l  ~$ }+ [8 jClassification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel ; j3 f6 G" z9 h
鐵鉻系不銹鋼片$ Q' Q" G# }. E! U7 t6 ^
Chrome Stainless Steel
, I# I# g: a2 o0 f5 @馬氏體不銹鋼$ O, Q4 t' g/ _  I% x( \( L
Martensite Stainless Steel
8 \3 H; m, k5 B/ ]( t低碳馬氏體不銹鋼2 \9 j$ O/ d9 d& g! Q; Z# m
Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel : ~9 x7 P" b/ t6 ^- b" a
: p( {; n3 e3 J: Y: V1 LFerrite Stainless Steel 5 ]/ O" t' |+ y" ?$ G
鎳鉻系不銹鋼* m3 O! N, y3 N6 @* U% z$ e
Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel 7 t+ q: X" c# J" }- T
釋出硬化不銹鋼* r0 O1 ?3 T- M. ?7 J/ S' G: J
Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel " f! E2 J/ c, {# Y
, b- r# M) ?- A7 F( Y* w0 wFe / Mn / Al / Stainless Steel
  k$ G3 R% B7 g4 ]* c: ?/ j( n不銹鋼的磁性 " E7 G4 U# m8 U& c
Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel
( ]) [. [# d1 H- K' q3 G+ B' E不銹鋼箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分類
, q; h6 R/ R& [- BClassification of Foil, Strip, Sheet & Plate by Thickness ( K6 \) ^3 n) y: t
4 k8 q7 M( M. v7 c3 B, c8 Q7 u. oSurface protection film, V+ l4 @3 P" z9 U
不銹鋼片材常用代號(hào) 9 \. ~9 W, V0 O/ {) }7 ]
Designation of SUS Steel Special Use Stainless
' V" g# R2 D6 X- q" l表面處理 Surface finish
  p9 ?% F; W1 L薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)機(jī)械性能
; x) @$ G' V1 y5 ]# I1 a$ D. aMechanical Properties of Thin Stainless Steel(Thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm) – strip/sheet 4 g' j7 G  Y* t% U
不銹鋼片機(jī)械性能(301, 304, 631, CSP)  @2 U1 _* R9 M. B
Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel ' j8 H9 L! a! y* J7 x* `
不銹鋼 – 種類,工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),化學(xué)成份,特點(diǎn)及 主要用途# K# h9 _2 Z5 b* J* @; Z
: V0 E$ Q# C% a" g. }5 S8 N9 V: T- V
Stainless Steel – Type, Industrial Standard, Chemical Composition, Characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel
" }: l) w& |( s$ V1 |2 J: C5 Q# b不銹鋼薄片用途例 1 l9 K6 r6 b7 O# y
End Usage of Thinner Gauge * G6 B; ~4 u# k
: a7 \+ S+ }4 Y8 `* kExamples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet & Plate
9 K9 i( s9 V1 g; E不銹鋼應(yīng)力退火卷片常用規(guī)格名詞圖解
  C5 Q4 w$ g2 c) z9 w' PGeneral Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips ) W" k& l2 r) Y. I, [" g
耐熱不銹鋼 % f" N/ F1 }7 R
Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel
; T7 U# z  N2 N  H鎳鉻系耐熱不銹鋼特性、化學(xué)成份、及操作溫度6 r. r$ X( _, L. H: Y
Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel ' ~2 k7 h( y( A6 y4 |6 n  v
+ r+ u, ]  r; v5 R& eChrome Heat Resistance Steel
; \$ l. @1 R# y, A鎳鉻耐熱鋼
9 V! [* G2 ?% X- V* E* ^Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel . o& B: y$ z; c% V/ L
+ g# [  z9 A; z1 {3 O1 zSpecial Heat Resistance Steel
. n. z' U2 V8 t. X3 O9 e抗熱超級(jí)合金 8 ?; G  M; A7 D9 b# v  |$ U8 I
Heat Resistance Super Alloy
+ }% {3 h2 z" r2 `  [" d耐熱不銹鋼比重表- p2 A. b" ]( E
Specific Gravity of Heat – resistance steel plates and sheets stainless steel : Z3 H  K- L; n0 e
; h; ~$ x- E4 E1 CStainless and Heat-Resisting Steels
/ P# K. j% v9 V* N2 {. u. L發(fā)條片 Power Spring Strip
0 O0 f: ?% ^8 x1 W3 s* K發(fā)條的分類及材料
: ^  r1 @: b; F6 r5 IPower Spring Strip Classification and Materials
* i2 V6 l2 T% U% {上鏈發(fā)條 Wind-up Spring
, X9 U' K1 D3 o' x' g倒后擦發(fā)條 Pull Back Power Spring
& [; h; `, n) J! q1 _圓面("卜竹")發(fā)條 Convex Spring Strip # z& S) S4 e* P/ w- _, ?
拉尺發(fā)條 Measure Tape6 z0 r  [, y2 D6 W" ]& h3 j
魔術(shù)手環(huán) Magic Tape! h& @' I0 w6 @; w/ X' y
魔術(shù)手環(huán)尺寸圖Drawing of Magic Tap* Y1 }; v3 ~% n: c) ~
定型發(fā)條 Constant Torque Spring 9 P. `0 A" R. k) A: w, {# t! Q
定型發(fā)條及上煉發(fā)條的驅(qū)動(dòng)力& s- o8 i  s/ a3 P* x/ B
Spring Force of Constant Torque Spring and Wing-up Spring & k/ i9 p3 `: [" g- A& W0 }/ Y9 n
, C2 F' i& M% h; o* H6 C, FShape and Spring Back of Constant Torque Spring. p! P1 `8 z4 D) H* _- t& y
定型發(fā)條驅(qū)動(dòng)力公式及代號(hào) . ~9 D! t; M! k2 r  j& G! \1 B
The Formula and Symbol of Constant Torque Spring * G2 c. C' q6 j. ?1 v+ ~6 `. Q/ F
邊緣處理 Edge Finish
3 e: a6 k6 M* S0 Z* I硬度 Hardness8 {) u5 U- O% J! ~& G$ H& w
  b" ^# Z* W4 g1 \  [7 FHigh Carbon Tool Steel, Chemical Composition and Usage
9 N, ~) @! o$ J% I! @/ j每公斤發(fā)條的長(zhǎng)度簡(jiǎn)易公式
! i0 G0 w8 q0 g: I: x0 L) gThe Length of 1 Kg of Spring Steel Strip
) @1 t% T6 B5 l8 r( lSK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤長(zhǎng)的重量/公斤(闊100-200公厘) Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 100-200mm)
' I% J+ g' v2 }; I$ Y0 ySK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之長(zhǎng)度(闊100-200公厘) Length per one kg (Width 100-200mm)
3 v# d" f/ \. Y' d! I, k% o1 ?SK-5 & AISI-301 每公尺長(zhǎng)的重量/公斤(闊2.0-10公厘)) S( a2 _! i! W) ~  [
Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 2.0-10mm) # N0 @9 o6 `( R" ~+ [1 T
SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之長(zhǎng)度(闊2.0-10公厘)
, P$ {' P6 Y) f" ^Length per one kg (Width 2.0-10mm)
1 _0 H$ }+ [6 A6 I8 [高碳鋼片 High Carbon Steel Strip 2 K: L( F, Y, v% V6 w8 V
7 {& ?$ l* L: `4 ?9 [) z( uClassification
+ U" F, X' v* N" a用組織結(jié)構(gòu)分類 9 w! d4 \' B/ H* F3 A9 f; _! k  x
Classification According to Grain Structure
' }' S6 ~9 s, s0 C, i; x, b. c用含碳量分類 – 即低碳鋼、中碳鋼及高碳鋼
/ P0 j. g8 r* D3 L: v/ f8 IClassification According to Carbon Contains5 `$ @7 m$ N! x  ]
! I9 T$ ]/ C- K' I; Y: h, xCarbonSteel Strip For Spring Use
; z) i' m9 i3 F9 }冷軋狀態(tài) Cold Rolled Strip
2 J" B4 a; r  F" e5 ^回火狀態(tài) Annealed Strip
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2008-2-21 13:31:01 | 只看該作者


淬火及回火狀態(tài) 5 u& k, N- S# ^8 y) a
Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision – Quenched Steel Strip
- p! s. Q7 n9 F# [2 {- ]' w, o貝氏體鋼片 Bainite Steel Strip
2 G. [" s* g# {2 G# n- }% ]/ U彈簧用碳鋼片材之邊緣處理 Edge Finished 8 ^2 d. w$ o+ R* j( [* a  m  d" k
淬火劑 : n7 q. E3 y8 v; G+ v2 t
Quenching Media 6 ~  {9 g, m4 E( P; n3 Z& H
碳鋼回火 Tempering
' v+ H1 a. q% V: u回火有低溫回火及高溫回火+ g% J6 Y2 S+ f  i
Low & High Temperature Tempering & U" r  j/ W; ^( F/ m  S
高溫回火+ Y5 Y  I- n8 i+ q
High Temperature Tempering % `# v5 X! |2 V8 y! ^9 Y
退火 Annealing   }1 g, I( @/ l; O! A  g- f  a( g& d
完全退火 Full Annealing/ u) J  ]4 h' z6 J% @4 ]7 r
擴(kuò)散退火 Diffusion Annealing
& i2 ~% y$ H0 N% v低溫退火 Low Temperature Annealing. V$ [. J8 g9 i/ f2 Y$ A; [
中途退火 Process Annealing 7 p; h: R  c7 K9 u" Q+ M' e/ |
球化退火 Spheroidizing Annealing0 {% Q& o: o0 w/ z3 a+ V
光輝退火 Bright Annealing* y( R3 q% M- K: S$ C' y- `+ x
淬火 Quenching
6 w0 H) W7 B) k: v: p# X時(shí)間淬火 Time Quenching
! S: i  d! w" z# w8 @( d奧氏鐵孻回火 Austempering
; h7 Q1 T6 m1 r  w馬氏鐵體淬火 Marquenching  D" i+ P2 `1 J9 W$ J' U2 q% q" d
高碳鋼片用途 End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip
, q4 E/ T6 Q, a, G; G冷軋高碳鋼 – 日本工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
  A. f9 S* R3 W2 u/ fCold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311 6 _% N7 m' e) M7 x( J
電鍍金屬鋼片 Plate Metal Strip
- i' i/ j& _' u' S$ d5 V6 o! L簡(jiǎn)介 General
4 ?& L1 o1 R" C# b* R% E電鍍金屬捆片的優(yōu)點(diǎn)% \' k- S3 k* @
Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip
3 B6 {- e+ g2 Z; k1 u金屬捆片電鍍層, W" E* E- v" q4 ^; l) D$ p
Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip 8 R1 d+ R; X/ R% X
鍍鎳 Nickel Plated ) @* d' H5 v( I7 N8 H6 v. p
鍍鉻 Chrome Plated
4 v* L2 T. b* S. ^: ?  ~鍍黃銅 Brass Plated
0 B2 R( e0 d4 m/ A! h基層金屬 Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip  \3 [. v* [, }
) j- a' G. t" LIron & Low Carbon as Base Metal
3 B* J9 E1 \2 U$ N& n1 v不銹鋼基層金屬 Stainless Steel as Base Metal
9 ]$ O3 q8 x) {6 C銅基層金屬
/ Y, B* d7 W# lCopper as Base Metal
- z  q) E: a, v7 O黃銅基層金屬
. M; Z; \0 R! n. ^2 ?# y8 J3 W2 L. kBrass as Base Metal+ O4 y7 O0 t8 N2 a3 L$ H
軸承合金 Bearing Alloy 5 J; y" r1 T8 M
簡(jiǎn)介6 f8 ]7 T8 R8 S8 }5 e
General7 P! `7 R$ T* q6 `! K$ ^3 c
軸承合金 – 日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JIS H 5401
: E# B5 c% |: nBearing Alloy to JIS H 5401 3 O# ^. `5 M) A, B
錫基、鉛基及鋅基軸承合金比較表 $ T# V" d! _- L5 ?; D4 U1 B
Comparison of Tin base, Lead base and Zinc base alloy for Bearing purpose- n& w$ t7 g4 |/ e
易溶合金 Fusible Alloy( g: ]' W7 G# c& {/ j. r6 n  I
焊接合金 Soldering and Brazing Alloy
: |: s4 k. o" T$ x軟焊 Soldering Alloy
* d1 I' e' y, m5 j: w軟焊合金 – 日本標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JIS H 4341: T$ r: @+ b# d2 e0 B
Soldering Alloy to JIS H 4341 9 S0 f7 x; x- Z; C
硬焊 Brazing Alloy- X5 G& l+ ^' W2 X
& H- B& t! N: UOther Soldering Material / B9 ^  c* H% Z. ?0 m6 A' ~# Y
細(xì)線材、枝材、棒材1 R5 z: G. {# N- z9 }
Chapter Five Wire, Rod & Bar
# s0 B* ^. h9 Q! J線材/枝材材質(zhì)分類及制成品 7 {& `. ]' g- g9 m2 Y" a% K9 f  G
Classification and End Products of Wire/Rod
; s$ X' t: T3 R) x. W+ L2 o3 Y鐵線(低碳鋼線)日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JIS G 3532 , c7 N/ a3 z$ n& r) c/ C1 H
Low Carbon Steel Wires ( Iron Wire ) to JIS G 3532 % I( t) ]/ v8 t: E7 ?' S
光線(低碳鋼線),火線(退火低碳鋼線),鉛水線 (鍍鋅低碳鋼線)及制造釘用低碳鋼線之代號(hào)、公差及備注
, Y7 e8 P; M3 R. OOrdinary Low Carbon Steel Wire, Annealed Low Carbon Steel Wire, Galvanized low Carbon Steel Wire & Low Carbon Steel Wire for nail manufacturing - classification, Symbol of Grade, Tolerance and Remarks.
- `9 F8 U  d7 q2 z! P機(jī)械性能
( N4 g. B/ a# d: ^7 ?Mechanical Properites
4 `+ d% e# R4 Z7 p% Y- d' R9 Q鋅包層之重量,銅硫酸鹽試驗(yàn)之酸洗次數(shù)及測(cè)試用卷筒直徑! _9 k' t- [) s* Y5 _" c* s
/ M5 h) g4 B6 E3 Q5 Q, Y
Weight of Zinc-Coating, Number of Dippings in Cupric Sulphate Test and Diameters of Mandrel Used for Coiling Test5 I! \# \! k# }3 y- R* c1 e) S
/ ^+ A7 p8 x. U5 D8 a& }  WCarbon Steel Wire Rods for Cold Heading & Cold Forging (to JIS G3507)- s: o! J8 n# u
級(jí)別,代號(hào)及化學(xué)成份 5 ]; {4 ~) N) n/ ~# Q
Classification, Symbol of Grade and Chemical Composition
2 T+ ~1 p% O& {6 ^1 r( F  _& O直徑公差,偏圓度及脫碳層的平均深度
! A% I5 C& Z# \. S8 hDiameter Tolerance, Ovality and Average Decarburized Layer Depth
' \# b0 I3 w" {) ]冷拉鋼枝材
- p2 v# I/ |- U8 @Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar
+ {0 _( V, T- n; p5 z# o枝材之美工標(biāo)準(zhǔn),日工標(biāo)準(zhǔn),用途及化學(xué)成份
$ \; p, y- l* A, q% h$ t2 S+ r4 N+ yAISI, JIS End Usage and Chemical Composition of Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar % y# B2 L& |* f+ m: g
冷拉鋼板重量表 $ R4 r% Z" s8 M8 `$ C
Cold Drawn Steel Bar Weight Table 7 v7 g: U4 r' J
) u! v' ]* b1 |" ?; tHigh Carbon Steel Wire Rod (to JIS G3506)
3 n" l/ G: }8 a) Z冷拉高碳鋼線 ; L0 k. J! S7 _+ ?& ^, L+ h5 t# F
Hard Drawn High Carbon Steel Wire
7 h; V4 }$ }+ t# n: w  X  r* b(to JIS G3521, ISO-84580-1&2)1 m. Y% v& r8 n
化學(xué)成份分析表 8 _& x. ^1 N9 }3 j( j
Chemical Analysis of Wire Rod
% S* [( ]4 ]& h9 d& A線徑、公差及機(jī)械性能(日本工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) G 3521) 5 ?+ B& W! A5 L4 r6 N2 j1 x
Mechanical Properties (JIS G 3521)
; r% ~: _) n. z  ?琴線(日本標(biāo)準(zhǔn) G3522)
% f5 i+ a" _4 l3 j. @: mPiano Wires ( to G3522) ; O5 A) g. L5 o( i/ I/ a8 n2 d! F
級(jí)別,代號(hào),扭曲特性及可用之線材直徑: r3 o. d4 ~: N! |4 C
Classes, symbols, twisting characteristic and applied Wire Diameters   y1 u6 ^0 L* s- L) D# ^
4 ]9 e- T- t; ADiameter, Tolerance and Tensile Strength ; b% Z, _) P. i0 B) W( f3 n) A. t/ G
裂紋之容許深度及脫碳層; F5 A' z/ Z) e, H. z6 `2 D. P
Permissible depth of flaw and decarburized layer
/ E, r2 P4 H& u5 `8 s8 b常用的彈簧不銹鋼線-編號(hào),特性,表面處理及化學(xué)成份
6 C  I9 E+ Y7 B6 U# RStainlessSpring Wire – National Standard number, Charateristic, Surface finish & Chemical composition" e+ C- v% i0 P7 y0 q
* T& ^9 n3 J6 x' D( Q6 z; m2 jStainless Spring Steel, Wire diameter and Tensile strength of Spring Wire1 C6 B8 q% c7 A. W+ h9 h' [
處理及表面狀況* W4 z$ E) {' d9 j$ o6 @
Finish & Surface % n2 T2 q" ~6 ?( |5 e4 z1 R8 \
各種不銹鋼線在不同處理拉力比較表 & }3 ^( f4 D8 [% G
Tensile Strength of various kinds of Stainless Steel Wire under Different Finish
0 N$ x8 A- T5 a$ d. o; l4 a( P: ^圓徑及偏圓度之公差 " R+ Z7 e% x& C& e/ M7 H, ~
Tolerance of Wire Diameters & Ovality 4 ?6 C; ?; Z8 O3 o
鉻鎳不銹鋼及抗熱鋼彈簧線材 –
" i2 l, |) S1 H( A美國(guó)材驗(yàn)學(xué)會(huì) ASTM A313 – 19870 ^/ R) `. O6 O$ S- Q0 z0 Y& F
Chromium – Nickel Stainless and Heat-resisting Steel Spring Wire – ASTM A313 – 1987- r* J$ V, c4 p# D' N- E/ C/ K
化學(xué)成份 Chemical Composition
. Z# k8 U0 f8 J1 W- b: }! `0 h機(jī)械性能 Mechanical Properties
3 @' U. B9 q7 H( O8 I$ {3 F305, 316, 321及347之拉力表
# F( R" U1 w  E  m- eTensile Strength Requirements for Types 305, 316, 321 and 347 $ V( P+ y, S4 \" V; D
A1S1-302 貳級(jí)線材之拉力表
, f4 }  r4 F) b6 Q: uTensile Strength of A1S1-302 Wire  c" y, c5 j1 G8 o
日本工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) – 不銹鋼的化學(xué)成份(先數(shù)字后字母排列)
" m$ h4 e3 _& }! o( I* _8 ^$ y% C8 Q& fJIS – Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel (in order of number & alphabet)
3 ]: Y: o4 z& n  M$ I美國(guó)工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) – 不銹鋼及防熱鋼材的化學(xué)成份% T- T+ n. `$ @; s
(先數(shù)字后字母排列)+ {( g( ?2 `6 b1 |
AISI – Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel & Heat-Resistant Steel(in order of number & alphabet)5 j0 P  ^  v4 `& u  l2 @, _
易車碳鋼 6 c& P) Q9 A) l; K! S( O
Free Cutting Carbon Steels (to JIS G4804 ) . g3 i4 T' O# f7 r& C# p# Z
化學(xué)成份 Chemical composition& I6 |  X( x# K+ K4 Z$ G: o( U1 I
圓鋼枝,方鋼枝及六角鋼枝之形狀及尺寸之公差# F2 E4 Z% ^: X0 d2 P
Tolerance on Shape and Dimensions for Round Steel Bar, Square Steel Bar, Hexagonal Steel Bar   K" j7 \7 [+ d" v$ O0 ~
易車(快削)不銹鋼 Free Cutting Stainless Steel
4 U, E" ]/ T4 T5 Z, \3 |$ p+ U2 C易車(快削)不銹鋼種類 Type of steel$ A. Y3 t* v8 h% b3 v8 A/ Y
易車(快削)不銹鋼拉力表   [/ j! m, Z! W& I& ~; X
Tensile Strength of Free Cutting Wires
4 F* I# m1 F+ e+ `1 l3 @枝/棒無(wú)芯磨公差表 (μ) (μ = 1/100 mm)
4 b0 i! w% ?6 y6 k* m' ?- cRod/Bar Centreless Grind Tolerance" L' a4 m8 a0 d$ l+ u
易車不銹鋼及易車鋼之不同尺寸及硬度比較- F. f+ E& p' j! F- i4 t. u
Hardness of Different Types & Size of Free Cutting Steel , H% ~0 |5 [# q1 u$ F
' B0 K) j5 n: R1 z& M8 HFlat Wire, Half Round Wire, Shaped Wire and Precision Shaped Fine Wire 3 o' y2 ~" _0 v. a/ E, w5 `
加工方法0 a0 C# C% T: y+ U* k
Manufacturing Method , x5 K+ ?7 {$ @% S( ^3 k  Q
. J7 w5 g/ ]  TMaterial Used
5 b9 V- u1 d( ^特點(diǎn)
" u6 l. P8 {6 _/ A0 X9 G) bCharacteristic
0 L2 n5 f4 P' `2 ]/ @5 P用途 ( d  k! y% ]3 Q/ ~* x! `/ S1 Z
End Usages : @& N7 @4 A! o+ t
不銹鋼扁線及半圓線常用材料. I2 h- O1 P- n6 T  s$ b
Commonly used materials for Stainless Flat Wire & Half Round Wire 8 z" o. i  _" j5 v, ^
扁線公差3 E0 v  I3 l; y* j. k8 T
Flat Wire Tolerance + a3 J* K- j7 y0 [5 K
& X3 D) n2 [: O0 b! u2 ESquare Wire Tolerance
發(fā)表于 2008-2-25 16:49:32 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2008-2-26 15:14:33 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2008-3-13 16:41:05 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2008-3-13 22:10:28 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2018-11-14 14:33:52 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2020-8-19 16:26:26 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2021-6-9 22:26:05 | 只看該作者
閃電驚虹 發(fā)表于 2008-2-21 13:31" q+ H6 ]; f: k2 @2 M4 a$ d
淬火及回火狀態(tài) # o+ B  f- p6 t8 O0 V
Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision – Quenched Steel Strip
* L' s. @. f& s  `9 t5 a貝氏體鋼片 Bainite S ...
; A9 q+ M# i( Z5 k5 \8 Y6 h* Y1 d
4 @& Q2 I* N/ Z2 v


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