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發(fā)表于 2009-3-22 14:40:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎(jiǎng)勵(lì) |倒序?yàn)g覽 |閱讀模式
Table of Contents: f# N7 y! Z, i% `6 Z' Y+ w
I. Purpose 目的: u$ Q9 A$ v6 T- @1 ?9 g& n4 Z4 \: R
II. Scope 適用范圍
7 c9 I) T1 w9 s" @III. Die classification 模具等級(jí)& g( L1 k) e  {; M
IV. Metal stamping dies-General Requirements 五金模具一般要求
" p4 A  j+ b7 T. LDie design and construction data sheet 模具設(shè)計(jì)及組裝時(shí)間表* [  Z! {/ |# ~0 f, g
Die design approval 模具設(shè)計(jì)審核
4 e( Y! Q5 V& w7 T3 n4 h: dDie design ownership 模具設(shè)計(jì)所有權(quán)
) O1 g4 q; h9 b9 mDie noise模具噪音; K9 l0 ]5 p# G1 ^7 e
Die design responsibilities 模具設(shè)計(jì)責(zé)任
% b$ V4 H' K, ~Die performance模具性能1 N+ A/ g7 ~% |
V. Die design criteria 模具設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
/ u) v) k. S" n1 ?3 _* ]- PA. Preferred components優(yōu)先配件(首選零件)
7 h2 F3 s1 K; \4 n7 e% l8 cB. Production material產(chǎn)品材質(zhì)
8 D/ u9 ~% W! O! }; O" T0 TC. Calculating operating tonnage of die 模具工作噸位
4 j: L; m6 E, R$ {% B. @6 jD. General die life and construction 模具壽命及構(gòu)造2 C' {$ n# u' C2 _+ N
E. Safety安全3 @0 D" ~/ T- G& u8 ^$ P/ i
F. Scrap removal廢料移出裝置
! U, s( |2 h( j0 IG. Die set 模座
6 U) |1 M% w* G+ m0 KH. Die mounting 模具安裝8 ]% M3 i4 v' ^. m, z; m
I. Maintenance requirements 維修要求6 |& p" m1 ~/ M6 F- _2 w
J. Die lubricants模具潤滑3 S( }& q" O7 d' a" O* Y7 ]& k
K. Die protection模具保護(hù)裝置
4 [3 n. c& M! y/ P$ y6 _2 m8 VL. Shear clearances沖裁間隙4 ^5 k; t+ |( k& F) y
M. Stock guiding and control材料導(dǎo)向及定位! Y9 C' v* P- d0 u* M1 S# O  T
N. Die material模具材料
3 h% Z) T: }  {0 mO. Parallels墊腳
+ w& Z1 v$ `; g, j, i: |P. Dowels合銷
' v# o6 J! L/ A' }- ~Q. Punches, buttons, and retainers 沖頭,鑲件以及固定器
* B8 X5 O2 K2 F+ BR. Springs彈簧$ K1 b: @- E  \
S. Strippers脫料裝置
1 U% ~* H# \  aT. Nitrogen systems氮?dú)庀到y(tǒng). z1 t$ l$ T( M2 [* ^7 x9 J  g+ q
U. Positive knockouts正面取出4 J* s( D" H( W2 J, Y' G
V. Pressure pins頂料銷
5 v* {( B- M1 C4 `9 i6 z6 y! UX. Forming and drawing dies成型及拉伸模具; w" r+ @( L: h/ ?. V. M+ T
Y. Cam and slide type dies凸輪和滑塊式模具
, D# o  {* g9 P/ gVI. Stamping and marking 鋼印及標(biāo)記0 {! N& s7 E, W6 n# D! t2 D* Q+ k
VII. Tryout and approval to ship 試模及船運(yùn)$ H! i9 z2 w" K6 }7 t$ p
VIII. Tryout, recertification, and final approval 試模,證明及最終承認(rèn)- t% n: t2 s0 _9 n3 W
IX. Payment terms 付款條約/ u( {% A4 ]9 @; K8 B
X. Substitutions(spare parts) 備件
6 |6 `8 g# g% X) G$ S4 oXI. Changes設(shè)變
3 z5 ]+ o! C3 ?/ G/ fAny deviation from this Die Building Requirements & Specifications will require a written request from vendor to the Su-dan Corporation Project Engineer.# X% T- _/ C; V8 v0 a4 w" v, I4 n
如有任何違背本份模具制造要求及規(guī)范,供應(yīng)商都需向 Su-dan項(xiàng)目工程師提供一份書面要求。
: B$ v$ N7 c( \' CI. Purpose 目的
) J2 D" b5 h9 H% QA. The purpose of this metal stamping die standard is to provide detailed instructions for use in the design, construction, and testing of all metal stamping dies supplied to the Su-dan Corporation7 G6 T4 R, n5 k8 Q/ Y. X
本份模具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是向所有提供給Su-dan公司的五金模具的設(shè)計(jì)、組立、試模提供細(xì)節(jié)指導(dǎo)。4 Q. N: O6 Y) |9 c4 W* [
1.Su-dan requires die(s) to produce finished parts that conform to:& s* f3 U( A6 D. L  {, Q. e
Su-dan要求模具制造的產(chǎn)品應(yīng)與以下保證一致:7 {7 |7 r' Z9 O( i. R. d
a. The part drawing. 產(chǎn)品圖面
* U* e4 ^$ D8 U2 \+ Db.Including geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.6 P( w! q6 ^, T# w  g3 X
形狀尺寸及公差! l1 S2 D5 j( _" s( _
c.Requirements for first parts approval process.
8 r2 G5 r4 t1 _; C$ r首件承認(rèn)程序要求! D6 G0 S  d9 Q' `% i2 x9 i- X: }6 |
2.This standard and the specifications referenced herein are issued to:
3 `) b# V5 B5 A+ J. e本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是應(yīng)用:
0 A, P5 q7 Y4 f7 @a.Define the general classifications of metal stamping dies for Su-dan. 定Su-dan五金模具分類
# W3 I( H; O. b* m" O2 `b.Reduce the dies design and build costs by: 通過以下條款降低模具設(shè)計(jì)及組立成本$ @* M6 O3 n4 F, f3 S- m7 z0 q: E. U
(1)Standardization of design, which will decrease review time and expense.
6 J6 H, k5 g) i  M; l設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化將降低審圖時(shí)間及成本
6 ~2 ]  ^, i3 \. K) T(2) Using commercially available die components. 使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件
9 y; P0 h: `7 \6 G% L; ~8 {c.Assure the safety of Su-dan personnel. 確保Su-dan員工安全" J: T. E' c2 N, _9 d4 Q
d.Promote superior tool design and consistent die making practices.* l# `. ^( G2 X
; b6 p* a$ o/ l5 eII. Scope
5 u$ r5 G; }6 I7 O/ _, }! eA. All metal stamping dies supplied to Su-dan will comply with the requirements specified herein and as stated in the die design and construction data sheets.
4 T: ?3 e3 t" P! R* r* \所有供應(yīng)給Su-dan的鐵件模具必須遵守這份指定的及在模具設(shè)計(jì)及組裝表冊里規(guī)定的要求0 M; A! S$ B6 t& O; I/ i; M$ W
III. Die Classifications 模具級(jí)別1 Y# y3 h: ~- Y! @. }7 K0 E; K
A. All dies will be constructed for inter-changeability of perishable die blocks, punches, retainers, die buttons, and pilots., `/ k* o6 |& L; N
模具需保證易壞的鑲快、沖頭、固定器、引導(dǎo)沖組裝的易換性。2 l6 I: k9 X# Z4 l
B. Die material requirements: 模具材質(zhì)要求
3 F# F3 g4 E  V7 d& |Die Component Description模具組件名稱Die Material Type材質(zhì)種類
( Q( D& _  e. n' t) _Die steel 模板D2 or better8 V1 o3 u7 E2 e8 P
Filler steel 導(dǎo)料板 HRS/CRS9 o# X; G; L/ G2 |0 ~6 m% R
Buttons 鑲件M-2, Z' D& m8 ]3 J6 M  n
Pilots 引導(dǎo)沖M-2$ z' U$ j, p" x8 S; U
Punches 沖頭M-21 i# ^9 O- ~8 c
Buttons & punch retainers 鑲件及沖頭固定裝置 A2, 6150, 0 k" Q( O$ d+ X+ {% K2 S# @
-4140 steel - hardened- V- M' ?9 \) r, A& q
Pressure pads 壓料墊板 6150 or 4140 steel -hardened (See p.17, S-16)
* R$ q( ^! e9 P1 q, e1 c/ pStripper windows 脫料板快拆窗口 6150, 4140 or 0-1 steel hardened
! J+ v  z* Z4 h) \; T-(See p. 17, S-16). S3 V2 y" V# o9 t- P
Form steel成型D2 or better  _5 G- w$ l0 U9 g0 E5 X
In any application where Su-dan is stamping a high strength or high carbon material the use of CPM-4, CPM10V, and CRU-Wear material with a surface coating should be discussed.( I& W) U5 j: t! X9 P1 `- d# X
在Su-dan沖壓高強(qiáng)度及高碳材質(zhì)的地方,如應(yīng)用……表面強(qiáng)化需討論9 \" d' b; ?7 {/ m
IV. Metal Stamping Dies - General Requirements: 五金模具——一般要求5 @1 j. i* I0 E2 C
A. Die design and construction data sheet: 模具設(shè)計(jì)與組立數(shù)據(jù)表
3 Z8 j* \/ A! O# o& f8 ?9 ?& M5 V% F* N1. The Su-dan Engineer shall complete and submit data sheet with each die proposal request (Including shut height, feed levels, parallels, etc.).
# `( ~/ [0 B; T. QSu-dan工程師應(yīng)填寫及提供每一套模具方案要求的資料表(包括閉模高度、送料高度、墊腳等)
  _, ]2 j2 d: M# C, j2. Data sheet will be updated at final die design review, including the Project Engineer and the vendor’s recommendations, which will become part of the general die specifications.9 O0 x6 y) U* O% a& g9 R7 C

使用道具 舉報(bào)

 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2009-3-22 14:43:57 | 只看該作者
待續(xù)     中
發(fā)表于 2009-3-22 14:51:36 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2010-8-29 00:47:01 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2010-11-16 12:35:00 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2010-12-29 11:37:58 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2011-1-2 01:08:42 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2011-1-4 22:51:20 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2011-1-5 16:15:24 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2011-1-6 10:59:47 | 只看該作者


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